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Hello everyone! I have some wonderful news! My kaiielle.com x Patreon integration is finally working! First, I want to extend a HUGE thank you to the multiple patrons here who I bugged to test things out for me periodically over the past three weeks or so. You all know who you are and you're REAL ONES. Seriously, couldn't have done this without your help and screenshots. ❤️ After some testing today and having things finally work for folks, I am ready to make this post.

I'll be making a proper Welcome video for Patreon this weekend that shows how this works, along with other things, but for now I will show you all with pictures and links. 😊

It truly is a long-term goal of mine to have everything on my website and build it out to be something that everyone can go to for anything kaiielle related, whether it's public videos, gaming info, or my Patreon content. So all of my videos will have a home on my website - even the ones that are public on my YouTube channel.

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How To Access Patreon Videos

As I make my way through series and films and transfer over older videos, there will be various landing pages. Like these ones... feel free to check them out right now:

Breaking Bad - Rebels - The Bad Batch - Star Wars - Lethal Weapon 

When you go to a landing page, you'll see a list of all of the videos. With TV series that I'm making my way through, they are listed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent video is always the first one. Once I'm done with a series, I will switch it to chronological.

At the top of every landing page, there are two Patreon buttons: Login and Join. For all of you here right now reading this, you must ensure that you are logged into my site with your Patreon account prior to clicking on a video to watch. If you click on a video and it takes you to an "Unlock with Patreon" screen, you are not logged in. If you click Unlock, the system won't think you are properly pledged here and will send you to a payment screen. This was the big hurdle that I have been trying to get around for the past three weeks. 

Another way that you can log in (or check if you are) is through the "My Account" button in the menu at the top. If you're not logged in, you'll see this:

And if you are logged in, you'll see this:

You won't have to login every single time you access my site, but it will boot you out periodically, though I'm not sure how often it is. Since Patreon is a monthly subscription and all.

I will always post here on Patreon when new videos have released, that part won't change. And you can all still leave comments as you do. You can also leave them on my site and I'll read/reply to those too! But the Patreon posts will link to the landing page for the series/film that it is instead of to the video directly.

That's really all there is to it! Now I get to have fun continuing the transferring process to get everything on here.

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Once all my videos are transferred over, this should be a much easier way of finding older reactions of mine and being able to find what you want. You can access my website at any time and use this menu at the top to navigate for reactions:

As I'm moving videos over, I'll be going back and editing the old Patreon posts for those videos to update the links. I will make an announcement once everything has been transferred.

This is a big project that I'll be trying to get done as quickly as I can on the side while I'm doing everything else. In the meantime, my spreadsheet is still the best place to find links to everything new and old. Though I will be scrapping this as soon as everything is on kaiielle.com.

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Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you so much again to all the testers of this! 😊

Alright, it's 4 am and now it's time for me to sleep.

✦ KL




very cool


Fascinating. Well done.


Super exciting! 🙌🏼