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Hi everyone! My watchalong reaction to this episode has just released and is available for viewing here.

Thanks so much for watching!

✦ KL




BEST EPISODE! We got Howzer back, more Crosshair redemption, and Omega and Echo hug, THE TECH TURN!!! And let’s not forget Wrecker just vibing, fishing, chasing the kids, and just helping out and loving doing so! I’m in love with this episode! Chuchi is back and actively helping Rex and Echo! Gregor was there, and we got to meet Fireball and Nemecc, not to be confused with Nemmik from Andor. I was riding high off this episode for a whole Day, it was just that GREAT! Thoughts and Theories: It is interesting that the Clone Commandos other than Gregor and the Batch seem to all still be working with the Empire, as Guards for the Advanced Science Division’s secret projects, whereas all the regular clones are being retired, arrested, or sent of suicide missions. And I’ll admit I’m worried about them trying to wrap the show up this season, I don’t know why I’m worried, but I am. I mean we still have Crosshair stuff to wrap up, Rex, Echo, Gregor, Howzer, and Chuchi’s Clone rebellion stuff. Where is Cody? Is he with Rex, probably. And then what is Cid going to do, they mention or show her almost every episode, so I figure she has to send bounty hunters after them, or reports the Batch to the Empire. And they have to kidnap Omega. You mentioned how you would love to just watch a show about Clones helping Clones, and I think, hopefully 🙏, that is what Season 3 could be if we get it. Because we see Wolfe, Gregor, and Rex all alone on that Desert planet in Rebels, and we need to see how we get to that point, where they are separated from the rest, or the only survivors.


There does seem to be a lot to fit into two more episodes, but I have faith!


WOW, it seems we are gonna have a great finale. One thing I am wondering is: what's with the female scientist? First, she seems to care a bit more about Crosshair than everyone else around her. And right at the end of the episode she seems to be processing Crosshair's suffering, not sure if she is against it or simply thinking about it. Also, why would Crosshair stun her rather than killing her as she does all the stormtroopers? Could it just be that she is unarmed and a non-combatant? Crosshair sure doesn't seem one to care about such distinctions, and I don't believe he has changed THAT much. Maybe he senses less hostility from her? Or maybe he senses another thing? Wild theory, but what if she is also a clone, her accent seems similar, and Omega is proof that there can be a female Jango Fett clone. To be honest, I still think it is way more probable she is not a clone, but still, the possibility is something to think about.