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Hey everyone! This month's Member Event is going to be a movie watch party over in my Discord server and we're going to watch one of my FAVES: Con Air! With all the action films I've watched lately, I really want to revisit this one as its been a while since I've watched it (almost 3 years).

You won't need to bring your own copy of the movie for this. We will all jump into the voice channel and I will be sharing my screen, kind of like a virtual living room. You will see the movie and our chat next to each other and we will talk to each other through text chat while the movie is on (no voices/video).

This will take place starting at 22:00 UTC on Friday, March 24. (Click to see what day/time that is in your timezone.)

For those of you who are already in my Discord server, you will see the event in the Events list at the top of the server and you can click the "Interested" button to get a notification shortly before it starts on Friday.

If you have a Discord account and wish to join us, just connect your account in your Patreon settings and/or click "Join Server" next to my name and then you'll find yourself in my server. 

If you do not have a Discord account, here is how to get started with one and then you'll complete the connection steps to Patreon linked above.

See you all on Friday! ๐Ÿ’ž

PS. Speed won this poll! So that will be in the April schedule. Thanks for voting!

โœฆ KL




Sweet! I'm definitely gonna try and make it. I get out of work at that time. So hopefully there will be nothing I have to do after work ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


I see you're already in the server, so definintely nothing to do but click a button and then type in the text chat if you want to talk during the movie!

Bryan Dempsey

My favorite Nic Cage action movie? Iโ€™ll be there.

Jon Johns

I just found out my boss is taking the afternoon off, so I think I can make it! It will be fun being in chat w/o having to moderate ๐Ÿ˜‚