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Hi folks! This was such a unique and interesting episode and I enjoyed it a lot. I'm looking forward to chatting with you all about it. Here's the direct link to the watchalong. 😊

Have a great weekend everyone! ❤️

✦ KL

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Up Next: Episode 2x15 - The Call 




To be honest, I totally forgot about this episode, but it was totally undeserved, it was a great episode, and so interesting to see that kind of hyperspace navigation. It reminds me of the many forms of FTL travel I've read about in the Wookiepedia that existed in Legends before the hyperdrives were invented.


Quite the feel good episode this one :) I found it quite touching when Ezra and Kanan put their hands on Zeb as if to help with the force during their passage thru the anomaly. Also, nice to have a bit of Hondo for some added levity. Honestly, the sooner they make some Hondo content the happier I and, I believe the fans, will be. Even the currently disenfrachised won't be able to turn their noses up at a well made "Hondo's Adventures in the Underworld" show. Like Pappy Palpy said- "Do it!"