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Hi everyone! 👋 How was your February? Mine was certainly a time. Started off rocky, but ended up being a very good month overall, especially on the mental health side of things. Gonna continue carrying this good energy into March.

First, welcome in to all the new patrons that joined during the month of February! This is my monthly newsletter that I write at the start of every single month where I share a ton of information and insight into things and provide updates for what is to come ahead. I always want to be as open and transparent as possible, and many folks here find value in these newsletters and being "involved" in the behind-the-scenes of the channel and stream. It also provides some different content here to sprinkle in between everything else and I really enjoy writing these and sharing. Thank you for being here! 🖤

  • # of Videos: 40 total (⬆) - 8 public videos (⬇), 3 shorts (⬆), 1 live stream (=), and 28 for Patreon (⬆)
  • Impressions: 2,463,608 (⬆)
  • Total Channel Views: 115,901 (⬆)
  • Views on February's Videos: 65,099 (56%) (⬆)
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): 3.1% (=)
  • Watch Time: 29,727.60 hours (⬆)
  • Average % Viewed*: 34.0% (⬆)
  • Unique Viewers: 51,535 (⬆)
  • Net New Subscribers: 694 (⬇)

The symbols beside each data point indicate if the figures are up or down relative to the previous month. If there is an equal sign, there is no change.

* This data point tells me how much of a video that a viewer watched. Because my videos are longer, I like my percentage to be around 30%.

Turns out when you plan out pacing yourself instead of trying to put out as much as you can, which results in not actually putting out that much at all, things work out better! Who would have thought. 🤣 Aside from CTR which stayed the same and net new subs being lower than January, all metrics for February were higher than January which was very cool to see. It was a really good month! Thank you to everyone who came by for The Empire Strikes Back watchalong on YouTube last week.

I'm currently sitting at 14,650 subs on the channel! I should hit 15,000 sometime this month. 🤞 In terms of any kind of celebration stream for subs, I think I will wait until if/when I hit 25,000. Seems like a good milestone for that.

I had a sponsored video on the channel this month on my Terminator 2 reaction and I hit the view requirement for that sponsor pretty quickly, which was good to see!

  • Favourite Movie: Tie between Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Terminator 2
  • Favourite Reaction: Jaws - just really loved my reactions to certain moments in that movie
  • Best Comments Received On: I might need to remove this one, because it's so hard to pick just one reaction now! I get sweet comments on everything because people are wonderful.
  • Highest Liked Video: The Last of Us Episode 3 (100%) - seriously, not a single dislike!
  • Lowest Liked Video: Guardians of the Galaxy (95.6%) - to be expected. But I still had over 1,000 likes on it!

I shared the schedule for March in this post here. I have another sponsored video this month and it will be going on my reaction to Aliens. I'm really excited about the videos coming out this month, to be honest. I feel like there is a good mix of things. 

Polls to choose some April reactions will be firing up again starting next week and I want to incorporate YouTube folks for a movie decision as well.

Last month I said that I wanted to stream some of my editing in Discord more often and then I didn't do a single one. I really want to do at least 2-3 this month.

My main focus right now is on the Patreon x kaiielle.com integration that has a few hiccups. The developer got back to me and I submitted a bunch of information about exactly what the issues are. Thank you again to the few of you who provided screenshots to me and are helping me out with that. This is something that I really want to work for so many reasons as I have long-term goals of making my website something that people can visit to see everything of mine. YouTube reactions, Patreon content, live stream content, etc. Obviously that isn't gonna happen overnight, so it's baby steps. 😊

Please accept my apologies for not scheduling the Patreon Movie Night last month in Discord. The month kinda flew by for me, but I PROMISE it will be this month. I'm strongly considering Friday, Mar 24 - starting right after my live premiere of Lethal Weapon on the channel. I'll communicate more details once I've settled on the exact day/time. 


  • Annual Memberships: If you feel like you're gonna be here for a while and you want to save some money and also ensure qualification into the Member of the Month draw, you can switch from monthly to annual at any time and save 10% on your membership. You can do this in your Membership settings.
  • Discord Server: This is the best place to say hello to me every single day and interact with other people in the community in real-time instead of just through Patreon comments. Sync your Discord account in your Patreon settings and you'll be auto-joined into my server. Please reach out to me if you need assistance with getting into the server.

Member of the Month:

I accidentally excluded some folks from last night's draw for March and I am so sorry about that. 😭 The # of people in the draw had increased from February so I thought I had it right. Patreon's filtering is so messy... and I've contacted them about this. All this means is I'll need to manually make the list to make sure I've included everyone who qualifies. So sorry.

Our winner Sean shared in the comments that he has chosen The Batman (2022) for me to watch and react to. So look forward to that!

It's been a while since I did a dump of Ella photos here. Her ear is all healed up nicely from the surgery at the start of February and now she's got two perma-flopped ears. 

The Ahsoka blanket was not going to become an Ella blanket, but that was wishful thinking. She loves it. 

Not much else to report in terms of life things. February was pretty chill. I have been going for morning walks with a friend of mine at like 7 am and it's hard to get out of bed that early some mornings, but once the walk is done then I feel jazzed for the day and it's been great to have that motivation. This is the same friend that I've been doing co-working/body doubling sessions with one of our local cafes once a week. 

March is going to be a good month. I have some family time scheduled with my parents and possibly grandparents coming to visit. It's my dad's birthday this month. And finally, I'm going to be getting my hair re-done and removing the blonde too!

I also wanted to mention this even though it's so far away still, but I'll be attending TwitchCon 2023 this year in Las Vegas, which is Oct 20-22. I didn't go to last years TC because I was busy being a tour guide for my friend here in Alberta. A couple of my best friends that I've met through Twitch are going so I decided to just commit to the bit and get my share of the hotel paid so I am very much committed now. This will probably be my only real vacation this year. But I'm looking forward to it!

- - -

Thanks so much for reading and for the support and your kind comments all the time! Thanks for patience whenever I try out new things or make adjustments. I still love doing all of this and making these videos. I have so much optimism and it feels great. 😊

I'm wishing you all a wonderful March ahead and I hope you have the best days, the best weeks, and the best things happen to you!

Appreciate ya.




OH, one other thing that I forgot to mention! I somehow accidentally deleted the kaiielle plays channel that I had made for when I eventually start gaming content. My new channel to replace it is now called kale plays: https://youtube.com/channel/UCFarQxUOC4eJC5mefuzz1ww The Last of Us Part 1 releases on PC on March 28 and I want to stream it on this channel. This will be a technical first playthrough for me, even though I know what happens/know the story. Please consider subscribing if you want to tune into that at any point! I'll share more details in a separate post a bit closer to and also provide updates on streaming in general once I figure out what I want to do with it.