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Hey everyone! Sam and I are so excited to bring you the full-length reaction to Lethal Weapon from 1987! We had so much fun watching this movie together and we're very excited to watch and record the sequel. If you are not yet subscribed to Sam/OGB, please do so! They're fantastic and we have become such good friends!

A reminder that the edit for this will be released on the channel on Friday, March 24. Early access will be shared sometime before.

LETHAL WEAPON WATCHALONG REACTION ➡️ ACCESS HERE (Direct Link in the meantime: https://youtu.be/k8H14hqsaTs)

  • To access the reaction, you'll be prompted to login with Patreon and then will be redirected back to my website where you will see the contents of the post, including an embedded version of the reaction video and a direct link.

You may leave comments on this Patreon post or directly on the page on my website for this reaction. I'll see it either way! 💛

For Lethal Weapon 2, Sam is handling the editing/uploading of that one. The full-length reaction will still be shared here along with early access to Sam's edit.


✦ KL

Up Next: Lethal Weapon 2




Oh my, currently at work but i cant wait to watch it later at home. Cant wait for the sequels and to see you both having fun with it.


For some reason It takes me to a complete my monthly payment when I click on the Access Here link and then click on unlock with Patreon. I try clicking on update to try and bypass but it won't let me. Am I doing something wrong or is it a glitch?


Hey Dredd! So you'll need to make sure you're logged into Patreon with the right account and that you don't log out. When you click on the "Unlock with Patreon" button, it will take you to a screen that says "kaiielle would like to... view your public profile and view your email address" and then you click the "Allow" button. Then it will re-direct you back to my website and you'll be able to see the post. If it's prompting you to pledge, then my guess is that you weren't logged in to Patreon. Could you try again? I've just tested this myself at the Patron level and it worked.

James Hadden

I can confirm a couple of things, but don’t want to just stick my nose in

James Hadden

Yes, on my phone where I was already logged into Patreon in my browser, it was a seamless clicking of the things, switching back and forth as you described it. On my iPad where I was not logged in, it prompted me to sign up or sign in, and once I did log in I got the same Complete Your Pledge screen as Dredd described. So I then just closed the browser window without logging out, clicked the website link again and it took me to the Allow access page. So for ease, and clarity, it works better making sure you are logged into Patreon before using the link, rather than logging in during the linking steps.


Excellent, thank you for sharing that. I'll make sure to pass that feedback along to the developer at Patreon.

James Hadden

de nada. Now that’s done, time to crack open my Lethal Weapon box set, settle down with a hot cuppa and big bar of Galaxy chocolate, and enjoy


Still no luck on my end. I for sure am logged into Patreon but It stay takes me to that one "Complete your monthly payment" page whenever I click on the Access Here link. Must be something on my end. I'll keep trying


When you're on the pledge screen, can you click the "Refresh" button on your browser and let me know if that works? In the meantime, I'll DM you the YouTube link. 😊 I'm waiting to hear back from the developer on this situation.

James Hadden

I’m too old for this sax. <- I can only apologise for that 😆 That was a lot of fun. Congrats on your first collab (if I’m not mistaken). It worked really well with the two of you, and I enjoyed it a lot. I’m looking forward to the next one. It’s been a while since I watched the first one, the end fight is insane, but I guess that’s Riggs for ya. I don’t think I’ve seen all that many buddy cop movies, but they bounce off each other so well, I love their relationship, and it only gets better. Do you have a weird automation thing set up, your sneeze at 1:46:30 seemed to trigger your intro music 😁


LOL I think I accidentally copy/pasted my intro music at that moment and then didn't realize it when I saved and exported. My bad! Looks like it didn't play for that long though.


I hit a bit of a "huh?" moment because apparently the disk version of this I own is the directors cut and I completely forgot and didn't pay attention when i popped it into the machine, so I got to a scene that wasn't in the version you guys watched and the commentary "yeah that will be hard news to deliver" did not at ALL match what I was watching (danny glover shooting at the shooting range). Dug up the same version to continue watching hahah.


Oh no! I don't think either of us realized there were different versions otherwise we would have said. Glad you were able to get the right copy. 👌


I'm actually not sure if you can rent the director's cut, but I didn't look too closely. Enjoyed this! I haven't watched this movie in a long time. Whenever we get to the scene where Mel Gibson is running I always think he must be well prepared because he was in a movie called Gallipoli (about the battle of Gallipoli during WWI) where he played a very fast runner who was recruited by the Australian army and had to run messages up and down the hill from the beach during the battle. If you are inclined to war films ever that is such a good, not well known one.