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Hello everyone and Happy Hump Day! I hope you're all having a great week so far and an even better February. Just wanted to pop on here and give a little bit of an update on a bunch of things!


The Monday and Friday edited release schedule for YouTube is working really well for me, now that we're almost a whole month in to doing it! I'm really enjoying it and how my work flows around that, so this will definitely be how things go for the channel for the foreseeable future. I'm pretty happy with 8-9 videos a month resulting in over 100 videos a year. It's manageable and I don't feel super stressed anymore. This also means I can start planning things for the future a bit better and I kind of have a rough idea of when I'll "catch up" on MCU. I can also dedicate certain days for certain movies, like already tagging June 2 as the release day of my reaction to Before Midnight. If you check out my Reaction Library, I've loosely put in premiere dates for most of the MCU stuff to come. Obviously, this is not set in stone and could change. And I have not included TV series that I'd like to get into that aren't "required", as those will probably be done here on Patreon for the Insiders tiers when the time comes.


Thanks to everyone who voted in this poll where I asked if the free reaction spot in March should be filled with Aliens or a different movie altogether. I posted this with the feeling that Aliens would have the majority of the poll, so I'm really surprised to see the results of this poll so close together! Since Aliens did come out a bit ahead with a win, that will be the reaction going out on March 17. This means that all of March is planned out with videos now, so I'll be sharing that schedule everywhere on Feb 28 or Mar 1.

In March I will return to doing regular polls again to decide on movies for the channel for April. As much as I loved doing that LARGE poll from a while back, the downside to doing that is that you all would only be voting in one poll every month or two, which doesn't feel as fun.

TV Series (Insiders)

While setting loose dates for MCU releases, I also decided to set dates in the Reaction Library for the TV series that I'm watching for the Insiders tiers. Not set in stone of course, but just giving me an idea of when shows may end/start. Feel free to take a look at that. I also set up dates for The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, and some of Better Call Saul. Once we get release details on Ahsoka, that will be added in to the spreadsheet as well.

The Empire Strikes Back LIVE Watchalong

Happening THIS SATURDAY at 19:00 UTC on the channel. 🥳

February Member of the Month Movie

Our winner Rune didn't want to share what the movie is with you all, so it will be a surprise and the reaction will drop here either tomorrow or Friday. So I would definitely set aside some time in your weekend if you plan on watching this. All I will share that the genre is sci-fi/thriller. 👀

Member Hangout

This month honestly flew by and I didn't get a chance to plan anything for us, but I will be preparing something fun for March. So stay tuned for an announcement on that one. 😊

Discord TV Series - Saturday Watch Parties

Those of you in my server may know that me, my mod Jake, and my friend Davy have been working our way through watching The O.C. just about every Saturday now for quite some time, since before I started reactions on YouTube actually. This is something that was open to everyone, but for the most part it's just been us three. We're watching the final two episodes of the show this weekend.

We'd be talking for a while about another show to get into after this one was finished and we decided a few months ago that we wanted to watch Gotham. This will be my second time watching it, but Jake and Davy's first time watching. I know that some people are interested in joining us, so I wanted to throw this out there for you all. We will be watching two episodes every Saturday that I can host and these begin at 11:00 MST / 18:00 UTC. This will start on March 4th with the first two episodes of Season 1. You don't need your own copy for this as I share my screen in Discord and it's like a virtual living room.

If you're not able to make a Saturday that we are watching, then the expectation will be for you to get caught up on viewing the episodes on your own time for the following Saturday.

Hope to see some of you join us for that!

Twitch Streams

I've been taking a bit of a break from streaming this month. I thought it was only going to last a couple of weeks but it's going longer. I'm realizing that streaming on Twitch was the cause for a lot of the overwhelm and stress, even though I thought it was actually doing the opposite for me. I'm not sure what this means long-term just yet. I've actually been having some serious thoughts lately about moving off of Twitch and streaming on YouTube instead. This would all be on a separate channel, of course, because gaming and movies/TV doesn't mix well. It's appealing that my live streams, shorts (clips), and any long-form content would all be in one place. And it would be easier to plug on the reaction channel. But I'm not sure when I want to start this. I do know for sure that I want to play and stream The Last of Us Part I on YouTube and the game releases at the end of March. So maybe that will be the kick-off for it, I'm not sure. I will definitely share details once I've thought about this some more.

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I think that's all I have to update you on right now. This went a lot longer than I expected, my bad. 🤣 Thanks for reading everyone and thank you for everything!

✦ KL



I'm glad you're happy with the new schedule! I'm curious, are you skipping a few of the Disney+ MCU TV Shows or have you just not added all of them yet? I read the part about the "not required" shows but I wasn't sure if that meant those or the Netflix shows


For the channel, I'm only watching what I've been told is necessary from some close friends of mine. WV, TFAWS, and Loki. And I've added Ms. Marvel after a conversation with one of those friends. I'm watching these before starting the Phase Four films. Any shows outside of that do not have a firm plan yet. Longer shows will probably be done here on Patreon, but I'm not opposed to watching shorter ones for YouTube too.


Ah, now I know which of the two options you went for 🥰


The schedule is looking good! I am happy to hear the you have found a groove that seems to be working for you and has lightened your stress a bit. Looking forward to a great year of watching movies and shows with you.


i really admire the professional and deliberate way you manage and represent your content