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Hey everyone! I'm here to provide a bit of a life update, where I kinda get a little real with y'all about things that have been going on, both the bad and the GOOD and exciting, especially as it relates to my channel and such. I also did a re-draw of the Member of the Month for January! Big congrats to Dylan S. on being drawn! I have sent you a DM.

Thanks for watching everyone. This space and what I do means so much to me. ❀️

✦ KL

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  • This must be a first time viewing reaction. You must check my Letterboxd watched list to confirm your movie choice is not on there. Do not DM me asking if I've seen your movie choice.
  • The film must be available for me online in Canada, either to purchase, rent, or to stream. I am not willing to illegally download/torrent films and I don't have any other method to watch films with, such as Blu-Ray or DVD.
  • No anime films. Period.
  • No foreign films (this may change down the road).

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Playlist: Member of the Month 



That circle of stress, when you try to calm down to unwind and process things but end up being stressed again for not getting the things you had planned done, is a tough nut to crack. For me, the key was to realize that sometime you just have to take a breather and find your inner peace again. And even if it is annoying that this leaves something left undone, then that isn't your fault and you CAN do that later. It was the friendly atmosphere and sincere excitement in your early Star Wars reactions (that I stumbled across on Youtube) that brought me here to your Patreon. And it is the continuation of this and your other written updates with a level of transparency of the development of your channels (beyond anything I've seen from other creators), plus your active interaction that keeps me here. And although I don't know you outside of the content and replies you make, this all makes me care about you the same way I care about my friends. So, as much as I would love to find a new full length reaction here every day of the week, I most of all want you to be well and in good health. And for times when you're not, I prefer that you spend the time you need on yourself, to process it all πŸ’œ "Take your time, it's fine, we're patient, it's all good" Yeah, you summed it up perfectly 😊 As for the good news, I'm really looking forward to see the collab reactions πŸ˜€ And I'm happy to hear you've had success with regards to the meeting. From an earlier job I've had with a very irregular income I know how hard it is to plan anything when you never know how much you're gonna make next month, so every little bit extra helps a lot.


Thanks so much Rune, that means a lot! You're right, it is a tough nut to crack. I often remember that our early ancestors used winter to rest and recharge, because it was cold and dark. Even though we have a societal structure in which we can't do that today, I'm pretty sure that biologically we're still wired to slow down during these months. Well, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere right now at least. Appreciate the kind words about how you feel here - that makes me happy! You all are so wonderful here. It makes doing this so much fun.


Yeah, we are both "northerners" (even though I'm a southerner by Norwegian standards, as we have a decent part of the population living north of the polar circle). I'm also pretty sure that we're wired to slow down as the days gets significantly shorter. Our fast-paced modern society however has not existed remotely long enough to do any significant change to that biological wiring. If it ever will.