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Hey everyone! First, you'll notice no Die Hard videos have been posted yet. Yep, I put too much on my plate again this past week. 😭 I promise, I will stop doing that to myself. 🤣 And I can also promise that it is the next movie coming.

This month, I'm switching up how I do the YouTube schedule. Instead of posting a schedule every week, I'll be posting a list of reactions coming during the month and then as the full-lengths get uploaded here to Patreon, I will just share a Community post about that to my YouTube channel so that people know what reaction is coming next. I think this will free up a little bit of time for me, which is why I'm testing it out! So I'll be sharing the above on YouTube shortly.

For those of you in the exclusive reaction tiers who like to know what episodes are coming each week, don't worry! I will be making separate weekly schedules for the exclusive reactions and that will get shared with all of you every Sunday.

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Thank you to all of you who voted in the last poll. In this poll, I threw up 19 movies and allowed people to pick multiple options. I said that the top four films would be watched and reacted to next on the channel. Out of the 19 options, the top four movies were:

  • WALL-E and The Terminator tied in first place
  • Jaws in third place
  • Independence Day in fourth place

So the December reactions are:


  • Thor (2011)
  • Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
  • Marvel's The Avengers (2012)

Other Films:

  • Die Hard (1988)
  • WALL-E (2008)
  • The Terminator (1984)
  • Star Wars Holiday Special (1978) ✦ Christmas Movie

TV Series:

  • Dragon Age Absolution (2022)

For those of you wondering what Dragon Age Absolution is, it's a 2D animated series releasing on Netflix this Friday. The Dragon Age trilogy are some of my favourite video games ever and I am currently replaying the whole trilogy on my Twitch stream, playing ruthlessly. 

I have a feeling that this show will not perform well on my channel, but there are a few reasons I'm going to be reacting to it anyway. First, it's only six episodes. Second, Dragon Age: Inquisition was the first RPG I played on my Twitch stream three years ago. Third, a lot of my Twitch community really enjoys Dragon Age and I feel like many of them would enjoy seeing my reactions to the show. Fourth, I'm just really heckin' excited to watch it.

And I will also be pushing out The Clone Wars Season 6 and 7 review video. The Siege of Mandalore + Revenge of the Sith super reaction will be worked on this month, and I am thinking of releasing it on January 1st as a way to kick off the New Year.

Thank you for everything, as always. 💙



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