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Hey everyone! Here is my full-length reaction to all six episodes of Tales of the Jedi! This watchalong reaction is a bit different to ones I've done in the past. In this reaction, you will see the same thoughts and review for each episode that will be going right into the YouTube edits, as that saved me time. The YouTube edits will be split into two videos with Episodes 1-3 in the first video and Episodes 4-6 in the second video. Not sure on release dates yet, but very soon! I'll share the edits for early access for those of you in those tiers as soon as they're copyright cleared. 😊

Really looking forward to talking about this show because I feel like there is so much to talk about! 🥳 And please let me know your favourite episode!

✦ KL



This show was a true Delight! All the Dooku stuff was incredible!!! Seeing him as a Jedi and what drove him to distrust the Jedi and search for other means to help the galaxy in Palpatine was really interesting. The Ahsoka episodes were also incredible! The first one was really simple and cute. Episode 5 WAS JUST AMAZING! And the Sixth Episode was a mixed bag for me, it was really good, and the Funeral and Design of the Inquisitor were great! But there is some stuff that I can’t mention without spoilers so I won’t. The Fall themed Planet in episode 3 was the Separatist Capital of Raxus which was also in a resent Bad Batch Episode! And you mentioned Ahsoka before the Jedi took her, and they Jedi almost always take Younglings in when they are like 2-4ish. There are a few exceptions like Luke, Anakin, and Rey, because Qui-Gon pushed for it and it was his last wish for Anakin to be allowed in. And there were less that a handful of Jedi when Luke and Rey were allowed in. But in the Clone Wars there is a small scene where we see Plo bring like 3 year old Ahsoka into the Jedi. Oh and YADDLE is actually in the Phantom Menace during the Council scenes. It has been a mystery for YEARS on what happened to her, and now we know💔😭.


Life and Death- A Beautiful introduction to our favorite Jedi. So masterfully done with the animation and pacing. I was really feeling the spiritual vibe of her people and yes, definitely emotional. When she rides in on that creatures back, chill bumps. Choices- Fuckin Mace is right. So cool to get more insight on why Dooku turned away from the Jedi. Filoni is so good at adding the lore. His take on SW without George is the best. It never feels forced or out of place. The Sith Lord- This backstory is amazing. It answers a question I always had, who deleted the Kamino files. Also didn’t realize that Dooku was in the Jedi order during Phantom Menace. Super cool to see the era between Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. The music in this episode was phenomenal. Practice Makes Perfect- The shot of Anakin and Soka in front of that window 3 minutes in is just beautiful. So good, and yes, all the feels in this one. Just wish he would have called her Snips once. haha Resolve- I love how Bale was still talking to Ahsoka while talking to the guards. Great to see what Ahsoka is doing after Clone Wars. The artwork in this episode was my favorite. I love how that inquisitor looked so badass and Soka made such quick work of him. As a whole, Tales of the Jedi took me by surprise. I didn’t expect it to be as good as it was. Some of the best SW content this year for sure. I hope they continue to do these shorts.


Oh yeah I know wanting an 8 year old Ahsoka episode would have meant having her be a youngling, but I still would love to see that. I genuinely can't remember Yaddle in The Phantom Menace and I've seen it twice now. I'll have to go back and pay more attention.