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Hey everyone! Here is the full-length reaction to Passengers, which is still on track to release on Friday afternoon on the channel, with early access coming sometime on Thursday. As always, it mostly depends on how the copyright checking goes. 🤞

Without giving away specifics, I'll be honest that it took me a while to get my thoughts in order for this movie. My feelings are very mixed. Kinda reminded me of The Last Jedi where I had to break down my review into "criticisms" and "what I liked".

Enjoy! Looking forward to discussing this one.

✦ KL



Hello Adventure Club! 👋 I hope you enjoy watching along to Passengers with me! Please leave your comments to me on the associated Patreon post for this video.


James Hadden

What Jim did is clearly wrong and a terrible thing to inflict on another person, however, in my opinion anyone that would not have done the same thing has never been truly lonely. I’d question the time frame for such a decision, one year feels too short, but ultimately I still feel there were two choices, wake someone else, or end things early. “He was just being selfish” is too simplistic a view in my opinion. Yes it was selfish, but he was desperate for human interaction. I cannot agree with the murder statement, as terrible as it was, he did not end Aurora’s life, but a particular version of it. It may not be a million miles away, but still not murder in my eyes. I do agree with you regarding his choice of person to wake up. If they truly wanted to explore the morality around the decision it would have been better served choosing another engineer or someone like that, and leaving out the romance. Regarding the romance, yes a man and a woman can have a platonic relationship, but this usually involves having other people in their lives. In this scenario, when there is literally no one else to form a romantic relationship with, ever, I don’t think it’s beyond reason to think that could easily develop over time. But that’s probably saying more about me than anything else. And if she did actually love him, she may not have wanted him to be alone again, but I’m sure it would still have ended in resentment and wishing she’d have chosen the autodoc. Falling in love with someone you’ve never met or even had a conversation with, I agree, is weird. Seemingly not that uncommon though in movies, Reese appeared to have fallen in love with Sarah Connor just from a photo. I have no problem with the trailer misleading the audience regarding how they awoke, why give everyone a chance to have more preconceived opinions than usual before watching it. Again I’m not saying this leaned into the morals as much as it could have. Wow, that was a ramble, and not much people will agree with me on, but what the hell, there it is.


To your point about The Terminator and Reese/Sarah... much less weird considering the whole time travel aspect to it and the fact that he knew and fought alongside his own son (without realizing it was his son). I'll likely be getting more insight into that with Terminator 2, but yeah, not a situation that is comparable at all for me to what Jim did with Aurora. There's been a lot of people in the YouTube comments for this reaction that have shared views similar to yours, so you're not alone.

Gary Poussard

Yeah, I understand where your coming from as well when you would like to enjoy the whole movie but there are things getting in the way for you to be able to do that. :)


It kinda sucks when that happens but that's the beauty of watching movies!