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Hey everyone! Happy start to the weekend. 🥳 As you all know, Psycho is releasing on the channel on Monday and then the following Monday (7th) is when the MCU adventures begin with my reaction to Iron Man. My plan is to release MCU movies on Mondays and I think November is the month I'm going to try doing two movie reactions a week, with MCU on Mondays and something else on Thursdays or Fridays. I feel like so many creators pick Mondays and Fridays for release days. 😂 But hey, a video to start the week and a video to end the week, am I right?

I'm getting faster at editing and I have a very good rhythm for it now, so I might be able to swing doing two movies a week for the channel without overwhelming myself on top of everything else I do like streaming and the Patreon Exclusives, not to mention all the behind-the-scenes work. But we'll see! Either way, I'll be watching movies in between the MCU stuff, so I'll need your help figuring out some of them!

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Today's poll options were selected by MY MOTHER! She's here visiting today and I couldn't think of what to put in the poll so I put her on the spot to pick three movies that she loves a lot that I haven't seen before. Enjoy the voting! This poll will close on 11:59 PM MDT on October 31st.


Bryan Dempsey

Passengers. Very underrated.

Jon Johns

Wow, a tie?


Well, that's what I get for setting the expiry on the poll to 11:59 AM instead of PM... DOH. 😅 Looks like I'll be watching both this month then!