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Hello there! This reaction is one (of a few) in my "Try Before You Buy" reaction videos here on Patreon. You must have your own copy of the episodes to watchalong as I do blur the episodes and have the audio muted. I leave around 30 seconds of it up at the start of each episode for syncing purposes. I am not allowed to distribute the entire episodes in my videos as this is illegal. Thank you for watching along with me!

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Hi everyone! It's time for another Clone Wars arc! Welcome in to The Mandalore Trilogy! NOTE: I was doing laundry while doing this recording and I did not realize my dryer would be loud enough to be picked up by the mic while I was speaking. So if you hear some strange sounds in the background here and there, it's that. My apologies!

  • Season 02, Episode 12: The Mandalore Plot
  • Season 02, Episode 13: Voyage of Temptation
  • Season 02, Episode 14: Duchess of Mandalore

Please grab a copy of the episodes on your end to watchalong with me. Here is the direct link to my watchalong. I watch The Clone Wars through Disney+ with a valid subscription.

Let me know your thoughts on this arc in the comments below!

✦ KL

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For the best watchalong experience, I strongly recommend watching on your computer and using Firefox's Picture-in-Picture feature. With this feature, you would make my reaction video full-screen and pop-out your copy of the episode so that it sits over my video. Move it right over my blurred episode in my video and re-size to your liking. 😊

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Up Next: Boba Fett's Revenge 

Playlist: The Clone Wars

KL's Reaction Library


The Mandalore Trilogy: The Clone Wars [212-214] ✦ Full-Length Watchalong & Review

Hello Adventure Club! 👋 I hope you enjoy watching along to The Mandalore Trilogy with me. Please leave your comments to me on the associated Patreon post for this video. 🚀 VIDEO CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Intro 02:51 - 212: The Mandalore Plot 28:14 - 213: Voyage of Temptation 55:18 - 214: Duchess of Mandalore



Finally we can talk about Satine in the open. One of my favorite things in Clone Wars is their relationship. And I’m still holding out hope that Obi will at least say her name once in the new series. I had high hopes she would be talked about in the Obi Wan show but sadly it doesn’t seem to be a thing they are going to explore. I’m also a sucker for a love story, especially with a beloved character like Obi Wan.


I doubt it will happen, but won't be too upset about it. Now, a limited series about Kenobi and Satine in TPM days would be golden.

Alex Vazquez

Hey, Kaiielle! THE MANDALORE PLOT: The introductions of Duchess Satine Kryze, Prime Minister Almec and Governor Pre Vizsla. Satine, despite being a pacifist, is a Mandalorian. She eased the dying Death Watch terrorist's passing by most likely speaking a traditional sacrament to honor fallen warriors. Her pacifist government is an aberration in Mandalorian history as their culture is a martial one. Twenty years prior or ten years prior to the events of "Phantom Menace", Mandalore experienced a civil war between fundamentalist clans like Death Watch and reformist clans like Satine's family, the Kryze clan. Governor Pre Vizsla is voiced by Jon Favreau, the director of "Elf", "Iron Man 1 and 2", "Cowboys and Aliens" and "The Jungle Book", producer of "The Mandalorian" and portrayer of Harold 'Happy' Hogan in the MCU! Yes, he voiced the Ardennian Rio Durant in "Solo", too. The Mandalorians have a thing for cubism. Their city looks like a stack of blocks, the topiary is cut into cubes and their paintings are cubist! It's a little much. The introduction of the fundamentalist Death Watch. This sect of Mandalorians are sticklers for tradition and, in religious terms, would be like Puritanical Christians, Hasidic Jews, Shi'ite Muslims or Therevada Buddhists. The introduction of the DARKSABER! This is a UNIQUE lightsaber. We learn it is a relic of the Old Republic stolen from the Jedi Temple by Mandalorians and an heirloom of the Vizsla clan. VOYAGE OF TEMPTATION: The 'Coronet' is like a luxury liner and the Captain was attired like a naval officer of the Napoleonic Era with a bicorn hat which is what triggered your piratical references. Corpulent Twi'lek Senator Orn Free Taa and Rodian Senator Onocanda Farr aka Padme's Uncle Ono, both seen in live-action in the Prequels, make return appearances here. Taa was last featured in "Liberty on Ryloth" (Season 1, Episode 21) and Farr was last featured in "Bombad Jedi" (Season 1, Episode 8). Often seen milling about in Senate scenes, the black human female Senator Kin Robb with the purple conical turban is given a name in this episode. Commander Cody and Captain Rex see some action against those spider droids. Rex takes one out single-handedly! Satine's declaration of love for Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan's admission that he considered abandoning the Order for her are major revelations for the audience and Anakin! This is one of the series' greatest additions to the lore because it explains Obi-Wan's forebearance of Anakin's suspected indiscretions and enables Anakin to view his former Master as a fallible man and peer. The longing and regret are voiced and animated palpably. The audience is left to decide if Kenobi's choice was a noble sacrifice or an unnecessary waste. The Mandalorian Civil War of 42 BBY occurred ten years before "Phantom Menace" when we first saw Obi-Wan in his mid-twenties. Therefore, he and Satine had their romance when he was in his mid-teens. It's telling that Anakin had no reservations about killing Senator Merrik while both Satine and Obi-Wan wrestled with esoteric ideals. DUCHESS OF MANDALORE: Chagrian Speaker Mas Amedda is an interesting figure. He's seen by Palpatine's side in live-action in all the Prequels but it's unknown at what point he knows he's working for a Sith Lord. He definitely knows Palpatine is corrupt as his closest political confidant and he's got no qualms about the Imperial transition. Although not seen in the Classic Trilogy, it is known Amedda served as Grand Vizier of the Empire but ultimately cut a deal with the new Republic after Sidious was killed. He reminds me of the ultimate political animal, Minister Talleyrand, who survived Louis XVI, the French Revolution, Napoleon and the Bourbon Restoration by betraying them all! Napoleon famously referred to him as "a silk stocking stuffed with s%&t!". Padme gets in on the action as she usually does in Senate episodes. When she presents the unaltered footage of the late Minister Jerec's anti-occupation speech you can see future Rebel Alliance leader, Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila, and Pantoran Senator Riyo Chuchi from "Trespass" (Season 1, Episode 15) in the Senate chamber. The rock in the square where Satine clandestinely met with Obi-Wan is the peak of Coruscant's tallest mountain and the sole natural formation left exposed on the ENTIRE PLANET! A rare thwarting of Palpatine! Obi and Satine make a good team.