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Happy June 1st everyone! We're inching closer to Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, and with where I live this means it's only pure darkness out now between the hours of 11p and 4a. 💀 I do love this time of year though!

Welcome in to all the new Patrons who joined in May. This is my Trail Thoughts newsletter that I write at the start of each month and within this newsletter, I share my data and analytics with you all, talk about the previous month and what happened, and discuss what I have planned for the month ahead. These are posts that many folks look forward to reading and it provides some different content here on Patreon. I enjoy writing them, sharing my progress, and being transparent with you all about how things are going!

Let's dive in, shall we?

May Twitch Stats

  • # of Streams: 8 📈
  • Avg Viewers, incl. Hosts & Raids: 45 📈
  • Avg Viewers, excl. Hosts & Raids: 36 📈
  • Unique Viewers: 1,407 📈
  • Unique Chatters: 217 📈
  • Chat Messages: 7,484 (avg 935 per stream) 📈
  • New Followers: 49 (avg of 6 per stream) 📉
  • Subscriptions: 59 (avg 7 per stream) 📉

(The symbols beside each data point indicate if the figures are up or down relative to the previous month.)

May Twitch Thoughts

This was a much more normal month compared to April and I received a good boost in viewership from the previous few months. This was also an exciting month as I finally wrapped up my Renegade run of the Mass Effect trilogy (Legendary Edition). I then began my first Ruthless run of the Dragon Age trilogy, which will be played on Sundays until the trilogy is wrapped up. I also started playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords, and I have had a lot of new viewers finding my stream through that category. So far, the game is really fun and I am enjoying it a lot! The first stream of it was a bit rough as I was spoiled on some things, one of which was a big spoiler. I'm still a bit sad about it, but what can you do?

I also decided this month to remove Fridays from my schedule permanently, at the moment. So the regular schedule now is only Sundays and Tuesdays. I still want to stream Fridays, and I will make the time to stream a Friday here and there, but I no longer wanted to have that commitment and I kept feeling bad about cancelling Friday streams. I think the main reason for removing Fridays from the schedule permanently is because I want the extra time in the week to have for YouTube and Patreon. I really enjoy having my YouTube Premieres on Fridays and I always spend at least one hour after the premiere replying to comments that I've received. It's just a better balance for me.

June on Twitch

In addition to my regular schedule, I am participating in a Summer HomieFest event that my good friend, HR_Guy has organized. Myself and a bunch of my fellow Twitch streaming pals are going to be participating in a summer long collaboration event. The schedule for June hasn't been posted yet, but I will make sure to share it here once it is. This event is running all the way to the end of August and it is going to be so much fun. I'm excited to play some fun games with my friends, and I will also be hosting a couple of streams later in the summer, so stay tuned!

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May YouTube Stats

  • # of Videos: 17, including unlisted videos for Patrons 📈
  • Impressions: 1,544,090 📉
  • Views: 78,311 📉
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): 3.9% 📉
  • Watch Time: 13,250.8 hours 📉
  • Average % Viewed: 20.3% - this means how much of the video did viewers watch, on average 📈 (the shorter videos I've put out have helped increase this!)
  • Unique Viewers: 42,260 📉
  • Net New Subscribers: 440 📉

May YouTube Thoughts

As many of you know, it took me a little bit longer than I wanted for me to get back into the swing of things after Ella's hospitalization in April. My motivation was just not there. I genuinely appreciate all of you who stuck around through that. That being said, the last half of May, I was in true POWERHOUSE mode, putting out so many videos for you all and loving every minute of it. I really feel like I'm in a groove now and have figured out a great schedule that works for me. I also hit some SWEET milestones in May:

🥳 6,000 subs to the channel 

🥳 600,000 total channel views

🥳 300,000 views on my reaction to Revenge of the Sith

In May, I put out a Threepio compilation edit, watched SC 38 Reimagined (a Star Wars fan edit), watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, and put out 7 Clone Wars reactions for those of you in the exclusive reactions tiers. It was a great month!

June on YouTube

The Dark Knight Rises will be going out this weekend, possibly Saturday instead of Friday because I didn't realize how long the movie was. 😅 Stay tuned for an update on that! You will still see the uncut reaction for that go out tomorrow as scheduled.

MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR VOTE IN ON WHAT I REACT TO NEXT, as I'll be closing this poll (or at least picking whatever is the top option) this weekend! I'm so excited to get into some stand-alone films that you have voted for! (Reminder that voting privileges are in the "On the Trail" tier and higher!)

June will have me watching and finishing the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, which I am still mega hyped and excited for!

And I'll still be pushing out a ton of Clone Wars reactions, for those of you in the "Snack Break" tier and higher. I have just begun Season 2 and I can feel the show really picking up in quality now. I am also going to start some work this month on creating a general thoughts and recap video to go out on YouTube, of my thoughts on the show so far, for folks who are unable to pledge here on Patreon to those tiers.

In this post, I wanted to get an idea of how many of you would be interested in watching me react to Stranger Things Season 4. I've already watched the first three seasons many times, so I wouldn't be reacting to those. I've decided to wait until all of the episodes are released before putting out the reactions for you all here. You can expect those to start either right before I go on vacation in mid-July, or as soon as I get back. I haven't started watching the show yet, so no spoilies! But I hear it's excellent and one of my friends tweeted that they feel it's the strongest season yet, so I am hyped!

I'm not sure if my Star Wars Overall Thoughts & Final Ranking video will go out this month. I've also thought about possibly doing that as a live stream instead of a recorded and edited video. I still need to re-watch the movies and get those final thoughts in order. I've been very busy doing *everything else*, that when I've had the time to sit and watch them, I've grabbed my book instead to read. But this is something I still need to do, so stay tuned!

In the last Trail Thoughts newsletter, I mentioned doing my first live stream on YouTube as a general Q&A live stream to allow YouTube viewers to connect with me a bit more. I still want to do this, just need to figure out when. Like the above, stay tuned!

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Patreon Reminders

  • There are many of you who qualified for your merch item that is part of your benefits here on Patreon, but you haven't set up your shipping address in your Membership settings. Please make sure you do this if you want to receive the item! It's a kaiielle Adventure Club print! 
  • Also double check your payment settings! If your payment is declined, you'll lose access to my posts in a couple of days. I do send out a generic message to declined pledgers around the 5th of the month to let them now, but I figured I'd make a mention of it here too!
  • Did you know that I have annual memberships on all my tiers at a permanent 10% discount? You can switch your membership from monthly to annually in your Membership settings at any time!
  • Sync your Discord account in your Patreon settings to receive access to my Adventure Club Discord server! This is the best place to connect with me directly and receive a response from me. There's a Patreon-only section in there, but a lot of you are active in the other areas of my server too. It's also the best place to get updates on everything going on, aside from following me on Twitter.
  • Lastly, please remember that one of my rules to be here is to not comment spoilers or expectation spoilers when I'm watching series. I can't express how much it sucks to know something ahead of time, even if it's minor. I love being surprised when I see certain characters again, or if a character got re-cast, or a twist happens, etc. When you're commenting and letting me know about tidbits and facts, make sure you keep your comments relevant to the particular episode or film that you're commenting on. Thank you!

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Other Things & Life Stuff

I made a minor revamp to my website! I cleaned up my menu and homepage, re-wrote a bit of the About page, and added my Reaction Library and Suggestion Form to it. Check it out!

I don't talk about this often, but I have a merch store! It contains a lot of kaiielle branded items, along with some artwork that I have created myself. It's another way to support me, so if you're looking for some new artwork to put on your walls, a new coffee mug to add to your collection, a hat for the summer, a toque/beanie for the winter, or a t-shirt, go check it out!

I'm officially DEEP into doing this content thing full-time. I have stopped my university courses for now, and I am excited to see how I can continue growing this and where I am by the end of 2022. That's the point where I will sit down and evaluate everything and figure out where to go from there. For full transparency, Patreon currently makes up about 45% of what I bring in through all the platforms I have. I don't want to rely on Patreon income completely, so the full-time creator goal that I've set on my Patreon page factors that in. Patreon income obviously ebbs and flows like YouTube ad revenue and Twitch subscriptions. This is the nature of content creation. For those of you here, whether it's just for a month or two, or if you're here for the long-haul, just please know that I appreciate the support so much and I thank you for it.

Finally, Ella is doing AMAZING and I'm so pleased. Having her be back to her good health has allowed me to get back into a great mindset again and I'm just so thrilled that she's doing well. Please enjoy a lovely pic of her.

Going to wrap up this newsletter as I always do by saying:

THANK YOU for being here. THANK YOU for choosing to support my content and what I do. THANK YOU for all of your likes, comments, and posts in Discord. THANK YOU for coming to my Twitch stream and YouTube channel. THANK YOU for being amazing people. 💛 It's such a good feeling to be able to make videos and streams that y'all enjoy so much.



Great write-up. It's cool to see the month to month development. I guess we're kinda eaqually far north, as we have roughly the same amount of daylight hours here. I love this time of the year, where dusk and dawn just meld together and then the sun comes up again. 🥰 Great to hear Ella has recovered. She looks so adorable 😍🥰


I'm a night owl, so it's always strange adjusting to the lack of it at this time of year. I THRIVE in winter where it's dark by 4:45p and we don't see the sun again until 8a. Don't get me wrong, I love the sun. But night time is so crisp and fresh for me, especially in winter. I love living where I do where we get such a variety in seasons and amount of sunlight. And thank you so much for enjoying the post!


So glad Ella is doing good! Such a perfect puppers, love seeing her! Also I’m glad to support you and be here!