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Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well. Due to the incredibly accelerated growth I've experienced here on Patreon in recent weeks, I have had to make some benefit changes to some tiers. Please accept my sincere apologies for this. It's never fun having to take some benefits away or move them to higher tiers. But hopefully you understand my reasons why.

Before I get into the changes, thank you SO much to everyone who is new to the Patreon crew. It's been so fun interacting with those of you who have joined the Discord server and have left comments on my posts here. I appreciate you all so much!

All Tiers: Special Thanks

Your name featured in every Twitch stream and YouTube video is being bumped up to the Valley level or higher, for right now, because running out of space to fit names was genuinely something I didn't even realize would happen, and I actually ran into this issue the other night. I managed to solve it, but if this community here on Patreon keeps growing (which I hope it does), eventually I will reach the point where I can't fit any more names and won't be able to work around it. So I'm implementing this change now. Thank you for understanding. ❤

Valley Patrons & Higher: Recurring Merch

Sadly, I have reached a level of zero motivation to create art for you all, and I don't think that I would be able to produce anything good for you to receive on a recurring basis. I have been stressing over this for the past few weeks and I have reached a point where I need to remove this benefit. I think I'll feel better offering one-time merch as a special offer in the future during times when I get the creativity to do so. I know a lot of you really enjoy this benefit and I'm very sorry. Trust, I'd much rather be able to give you all one quality merch item per year than 3-4 half-assed designs per year. Thank you for understanding. ❤

I have retired the last recurring merch item, so those of you that were eligible for it and in the process of working up to receive it will still get it. 

This change does NOT affect the one-time Adventure Club print that brand new patrons will receive after 3 months of pledges at the Trail tier and higher. This is still enabled and for those of you who are brand new here, you will still receive that.

Tier Price Change: Along the Pass

This tier's price has been lowered from $17/mo to $15/mo (CAD). Just wanted to shimmy that particular tier down a little bit. The existing pledgers at this tier have already been contacted.

Please don't hesitate to comment any questions that you have about these changes.


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