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Happy March 1st, everyone! This Trail Thoughts newsletter is going to be LONG because I want to start incorporating YouTube data in here alongside the Twitch stuff now that my channel has a solid direction.

For those of you who are new to my Patreon in between the last Trail Thoughts newsletter and this one, let me introduce you to what this is! At the start of each month, I publish a long post basically recapping the past month, showing my analytics and data, explaining what we did with links (if you missed things), going over how I felt and what I enjoyed, and then I briefly go over what is coming in the near future. I've been putting out these newsletter posts now for over a year already! The folks from my Twitch community who have been on Patreon for a while have said they really enjoy reading these. I'm happy because I really enjoy writing them!

With that, let's look back on the past month which was a TIME. The symbols beside each data point indicate if the figures are up or down relative to the previous month.

February Twitch Stats

  • # of Streams: 10 📉
  • Avg Viewers, incl. Hosts & Raids: 37 📈
  • Avg Viewers, excl. Hosts & Raids: 32 📈
  • Unique Viewers: 1,543 📈
  • Unique Chatters: 248 📈
  • Chat Messages: 8,626 (avg 863 per stream) 📉
  • New Followers: 105 (avg 10-11 per stream) 📈
  • Subscriptions: 104 (avg 10-11 per stream) 📉

February Twitch Thoughts

This past month on Twitch was a lot of fun! I wrapped up two games: Beyond: Two Souls and Mass Effect 2. I began Mass Effect 3, and am having so much fun with it. Star Wars: KOTOR continued on as normal. I started playing Alien: Isolation for the first time and had two streams of that game. I also played the game Pupperazzi for the first time, for a little bit. Slay3K and I did our two American Trucking Simulation streams: the first one on his channel, and the second one on mine. There were SO many hilarious moments that were clipped and when I get the energy to do it, I want to edit a compilation of all of those.

I assumed that I was going to get my emotes delivered last month, but I still do not have them. I have seen the final revisions on the static emotes, though, and I am just waiting on the animated ones! I am mega hopeful that I will finally get the emote files this month. 🤞 Unfortunately the artist has taken a lot longer than they originally communicated it would be.

The O.C. watch parties are still continuing weekly on Saturdays, and I want to try to carve out more time for movie watch parties. Last Thursday, a few of us gathered to watch Mrs. Doubtfire and that was a lot of fun. I'll be scheduling Shrek this week, so if you would like to join us, please make sure you join the server.

February also saw me decide to leave The Nook team. I am sad about it and my heart breaks, but it was a necessary (for me) decision. I love my Nookian family and everyone on the team is still welcome in this community and in my streams. I am looking forward to the free time I now have available that I can dedicate to some more pressing areas in my life.

Thoughts for March on Twitch

I'd like to try out some new games this month, and I put out a vote in Discord for a new game to play this Friday. Otherwise, we're just going to keep continuing with MELE and KOTOR as normal.

The one LARGE exciting thing is that it is Women's History Month and I have been one of the amazing women creators selected to be part of it on Twitch. This means that my stream may show up in the WHM shelf on the Twitch home page! Super excited for the possibility of my stream being boosted to more eyes. Here's hoping we can make some new friends. I know that I'll be looking at this shelf often for possible raid targets and new people for me to watch.

February YouTube Stats

  • # of Videos: 6, including the unedited reactions
  • Impression: 1,263,004 
  • Views: 56,248
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): 3.0%
  • Watch Time: 14,041.8 hours
  • Average % Viewed: 30.8% - this means how much of the videos did viewers watch, on average
  • Unique Viewers: 25,413
  • Net New Subscribers: 1,433

February YouTube Thoughts

Naturally, this month has been crazy in the YouTube space and I am on a rollercoaster in a direction that I never expected to happen. In January, I uploaded my first Star Wars movie reaction for the Twitch community to watch and thanks to the algorithm and a very loving Star Wars fan base, I obtained YouTube Partnership this month and am genuinely excited every week to work on the reaction videos for my channel.

With this new direction, we've also seen this Patreon community more than double and the number of patrons here will hopefully continue to grow, but also fluctuate (some folks only sign up for a month or less, perhaps to watch only one or two unedited reactions). To those of you who have supported in February, thank you! And to those who are supporting more long-term, thank you as well. 💛 I'm glad that so many of you are enjoying the unedited reactions.

Seeing the numbers above... I thought the January ones were high, but February was truly wild.

Thoughts for March on YouTube

Well, I am definitely charging ahead with the reactions. Episodes II, III, VII and Rogue One will definitely be pushed out this month. If possible, I might try squeezing in VIII as well. 

I'll post here when Episode II is ready for early access viewing. Make sure you're pledged at the Trail tier or higher to see it early!

Annual Membership Reminder

Annual memberships are available for a 10% discount here on my Patreon. If you know you may support for the long-haul, you can switch to this frequency at any time. Visit your Memberships settings to do so.

Fin. Thank you for reading, and thank you for the support. 🧡


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