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Happy Timezones everyone! I hope you're all having a great day. I've got something on my mind that I'd like to get your feedback on. :)

Currently, Twitch gives streamers the option to mass email their entire subscriber list. I have always wanted to start a regular communication like this, but it doesn't sit right with me that I don't have the option to split elected subs from gifted subs in the communications. I'd rather not bombard random people who have been gifted subs with this kind of information. 

So I was thinking about using Patreon for this instead! It would be something offered to all tiers. I'm curious what sort of information you guys would be interested in seeing. It would obviously be information I don't share with Twitch subs across the board or the community as a whole.

A few ideas that I have:

- Monthly Stream Recaps, where I look back on the previous month and share my streaming stats and my opinions about it all. I love data and have no problem sharing and I know that I enjoy this if I'm on a viewer side of a streamer but wondering if this would interest you

- Detailed plans for upcoming month/quarter on Twitch and changes I'm making (sort of already doing this, but would do it more)

- Q&A style posts, answering your questions about anything (streaming, IRL, etc.)

Just brainstorming at this point. Any other ideas? Let me know!

PS. For those of you who have pledged at a tier where you will receive a merch item, and Feb 1st was your 3rd month... I was just informed by Patreon that they are fulfilling those items and will be shipping them out within 1-2 weeks! So definitely look forward to getting those! Please post pictures in the #campsite channel in Discord when you receive them so I can see how they turned out! This also means I will need to start working on another design to get up soon to replace the one that is being printed. Perhaps something geometric? I have a few ideas bubbling.

Thanks for being amazing!



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