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Yay, questions have been answered! Andddddd we're left with a lot of questions still. 😂

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I'm looking forward to your thoughts. 😊


✦ KL




I just assumed Sol did desire a padawan and he saw the twins had Force abilities. He said he felt that Osha wanted to come with them, so he obviously felt it through the Force. So, what Indarra said to him felt true to me, that he was confusing his own desires with hers. This is not to say she didn't want it also, but that isn't enough for him to break so many rules. He'd convinced himself that he was doing the right thing in the moment. The mistrust between the two factions helped to cascade the negative outcome. I also saw him saving Osha as CHOOSING Osha because he couldn't save them both since he was struggling to hold them both. I feel he thought that it was save one or lose them both and then he had to choose, so he chose Osha. I don't feel anything Sol has done was done with malice. He seems to have meant well for everything, but I feel this story is an example of "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

Some Loser

I liked this episode, but I really hope that the next episode is the longest in the series. I just see Sol's situation as a strong maternal instinct, hence the over-protectiveness, I've seen strong maternal natures be a double edged blade before. People projecting on what's "Just" while doing so I was questioning why he was projecting onto Osha so much as well, but then I looked back at the scenes he saw: and he saw Osha-not only one of two potential victims, but one that's also clearly not thriving or fitting into their environment as much as the other. With her 'cowering' behind her sister when their mother "Attacks" them, and being reprimanded right after (and that's all he saw) - "Let it go Mae, stop!" - "Why do you always have to do things like that?" - "I expect more from you Osha" that's not to excuse or exempt him of anything tho he was definitely pushing it, and a bit out of line I've seen folks bring up Qui-Gon parallels, and I think it's intentionally there, and I think it's great. But I think there are differences there as well that are also intentional (going all the way down to even circumstance) I find it interesting to see what people take from it; some people think this makes Qui-Gon look better, some people think it makes Qui-Gon look worse. Interesting nonetheless