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I am nearly a week late to discussing the results of this poll but WOW, I adored the turnout on it! This was Jon Johns poll for winning June's Member of the Month wheel spin! Here are the results:


Yes, it tied! NO, I am not going to be someone who always commits to watching both winners in a tie. πŸ˜‚ I don't want to set that expectation and encourage y'all to vote for two winners in every poll! πŸ˜‰ Rather than choosing the winner myself, I exported the results and looked at which one Jon Johns voted for, since he was the winner of the draw. And that was UNBREAKABLE! So Nestor can be happy that YES, the Unbreakable fanbase was late to the party in the first few hours of the poll being up but it came around! 😁

DON'T WORRY - the other three movies are all solid ones, I know that! They're all noted and will be watched eventually. I've said before that polls are basically a "What to watch first?" decision rather than a "I will only watch the winner and the others get scrapped forever" decision. Polls give me an idea on the overall vibe of movies and I only scrap a movie entirely if it gets no votes at all (which doesn't happen very often). THANK YOU JON for crafting a poll as your win!

This was only the second poll we've had for a Member of the Month win (out of 18 draws). I hope that this will encourage some future winners to make polls, but it is still your choice in the end!

Small Website Update

I have added a page that has all of my Patreon Movie Exclusives listed in one place!

Missed A Reaction?

A while back I created two pages on my website where you can see my reactions listed from newest to oldest. They are linked at the top of each menu, but feel free to bookmark these:

These lists have both edited and watchalong reactions and is helpful for patrons and non-patrons! I know Patreon posts can get missed sometimes, so I always like to provide another way to see what's new.

My next website To-Do is to add a search function! I think it's time. πŸ˜…

Exclusive Coming To YouTube

I was chatting with my editor about the movie exclusives I've done and he had never watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) before! So naturally I was like weeeelllll would you like to edit my reaction to it so you have a reason to watch it? πŸ˜‚ He said yes and really enjoyed the movie! This will be shared next week.

Second Editor πŸŽ‰

I am hyped to announce that I have brought on a second part-time editor to help me out with movie reactions specifically. πŸ₯³ This is a big deal for me and I can't thank you enough for your support. 😊 If you've been here for the long haul, you'll know that editing help has been the primary goal of mine literally since I started doing this.

That's it for general updates right now! Moon Knight and Fallout are wrapping up this week on YouTube and then we'll be back to just movies for the next few weeks.

For watchalongs here on Patreon, I've got a ton of movies coming from polls, Reactr requests, and my own choices (which I'll be doing much more of).

And a reminder that the final two episodes in Season 2 of Agents of SHIELD are being shared tomorrow and then I will begin Jessica Jones S1. I keep going back and forth about whether I want to take a week break or not. πŸ˜‚ I may just wait and see how I feel next week. For anyone new here, I am watching these Marvel shows in a timeline order. After JJ S1, I'll be diving back into Daredevil with Season 2 (rough start for that will be mid-end August).

And The Acolyte and House of the Dragon are still going, of course.

I appreciate you all so much! Questions/comments can be left below. πŸ’š


✦ KL



Tyler Foster

I already told all this to KL in the Discord, but just worth pointing out that there's a high risk that someone will spoil part of a different movie when talking about Unbreakable. YouTube comments are going to be a real uphill battle on that front, but hopefully everyone knows to avoid doing that.

Adam Wetstein

If you wish to do a film to honour the great Donald sutherland. I suggest either the remake of Body Snatchers or Die Die My Darling