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What's up everyone?! I hope you've had a great start to June so far. 😊

I want to chat quickly about a small shift for the channel for the rest of the year, as we are coming to the halfway point of 2024 and I've been looking at how things are going and how I'm feeling! Note that everything I'm saying below does NOT apply to Patreon Exclusives.

I'm realizing that I haven't been the best with variety on the channel this year and this has impacted growth. With the MCU and View Askew specifically, I am now past the "best" of them, meaning that reactions are not bringing new eyes to the channel anymore and I can clearly see this in the analytics. Even starting X-Men has not brought many new eyes to the channel, which is a slight disappointment, but I know there are still anticipated movies to come there and I'm still enjoying the journey. These three series have become something that is moreso for my established audience over new viewers, which is still a great thing and I will continue! That said, I want to make even more room to put out videos that people can find me through.

And to be honest, I'm craving a bit of a shake-up to include more stand-alone films in the mix as sometimes I'm finding it more difficult to muster up the energy to continue with those larger series at the pace that I think most people are expecting from me.

So the MCU, X-Men, and the View Askew are going to be more spaced out moving forward. I've kind of started this unintentionally already and without communicating - and this is me now being intentional about it. 😉

Please let me know if you have any questions about this - I'm always an open book about my plans! And of course, make sure to get your stand-alone film suggestions in on the Suggestion Form! First I'm going to dive into some of the Mr. Robot Inspired poll options. PS. How was that poll over a month ago already? I swear time isn't real. 😆

Here's what is coming down the track:

YouTube Edits:

  • Fallout has become my priority because I am the HAPPIEST editing these and sharing them, and the reception has been fabulous too, so expect the rest of the episodes to be shared every 2-3 days until it's done

  • Early access to Fight Club will be shared in a few hours and then it will go public on Thursday. I knew my editor had a fun time with this reaction when I saw that I had to download a file for the edit called "Cock.png" 😂

  • Going to try my bestest to get Across the Spider-Verse out this week and I may have to go the Popcorn in Bed route and craft up some crazy watermarking for it 🫠

  • I'm editing Moon Knight and LOVING the rewatch. The vid for Eps 1-3 should go out next week sometime or maybe it will end up coming before Spider-Verse.

Patreon Movie Watchalongs:

  • I ended up having zero motivation to watch Clerks II when I originally said I would, so it's coming this week!

  • Goodfellas and Pump Up The Volume are the first two reactions from the Mr. Robot poll. I know the latter didn't get nearly as many votes as some other options but TO HECK WITH IT, I want my eyeballs to look at a young Christian Slater, ok? Ok. 😂 I'm KL's Choice-ing it!

  • Two stand-alone films: the May Member of the Month winner's pick and another Reactr request came through. Both are surprises for right now. I'll give you the years they released... 2012 and 1999. 👀

  • And the June Member of the Month spin will happen this Friday! Let's all prepare for Tyler to not get picked once again. 😂

Patreon Show Watchalongs - let's just talk about all of June since I know exactly what'll happen:

  • House of the Dragon S2 - Mondays, starting June 17

  • The Acolyte S1 - Wednesdays, starting June 5

  • Agents of SHIELD S2 - Fri or Sat, depending on the week

  • [After AOS] Jessica Jones S1 - Fri and Sat, starting June 28+29 - the episodes will be separate vids with one shared on each day

Let's talk outside of reactions now! I have been in a Mr. Robot rewatch like no other because James vs Cinema is about to start Season 4 and the dudes over at Blind Wave have started the show which has me happy as it was one of my formal recommendations for them through their website. 🥳

I've decided to take on a huge home project throughout this summer which I am calling Backyard Revamp. My backyard is basically a mix of dandelions and some grass, but it looks horrible and I've been unmotivated to do anything about it until now. I am trying my best to dedicate around an hour a day to this (at the END of my days cause cripes, yard work makes me sleepy!) I'm digging out all the weeds and existing grass, working on little sections at a time like a Stardew Valley farm, and then putting down some lawn alternative seeds once I've cleared a little section down to the soil. It's weirdly therapeutic to just sit and dig, kinda making me feel like a kid in a sandbox again.

A couple weeks ago, I perfected the at-home Iced Brown Sugar Oat Milk Shaken Espresso and it's what I drink every day now. My process of doing it is long as I like my espresso to fully chill in the freezer first before I mix ingredients and shake, but it tastes exactly like the kind you get at Starbucks and it has become a key part of the start of my day that I am really loving.

What have you all been getting up to? Any epic gardens formed in the backyard? What have you been watching lately? Anyone else like making Starbucks dupes at home? 😅 Let me know!

Thanks so much to everyone who joined Patreon (both paid and free) recently and naturally to everyone who chooses to stay every month. I appreciate you all so very much. ❤️


✦ KL



I have been a member since your Iron Man reaction so at this point I am here to stay regardless of how they are spaced out. Do what you need to do to keep your mental health positive. Ps I voted for Pump up the Volume and am very much looking forward to that.


Thanks for being here so long! Appreciate that. And yay! It's gonna be fun


I'm so pumped for your Moon Knight reactions, that's currently my 2nd fav MCU show after Loki. Even though they've changed quite a few things some more noticeable than others from the comics, they're not bad changes. You got 8 projects left and you're done with phase 4. 1 of them are shorts (like 5 mins each) so you can complete that in one go. I understand if those will stay on patreon cause they're so short, but I'd also be pleasantly surprised if they're released as a bonus reaction video. Take care KL :D


I still plan on putting everything from the phases on YouTube! Including the shorts which I'd def put all in one video.