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Happy weekend everyone! X3 up on deck - click here to watchalong with me.

As a heads up, not sure what happened with my recording settings... but this video is pixelated pretty much the entire time and gets worse when I'm moving around. I'm so sorry about this! I have gone in and sorted out my settings for the future. 🙏

Appreciate you taking the time to watch with me, thanks so much! Really looking forward to everyone's thoughts on this movie.


✦ KL




Without going into the where's, whys and hows. Perhaps those with a deeper understanding, and at the appropriate times, will be able to explain how to un-messy how things go from here. This one is alright and the right amount of fun, if a little too surface level over all. This made me chuckle to myself little. The thing is, I knew what you meant. I always find the evolution and usage of language interesting. How often we throw a well used phrase out there without too much pause to the actual words we have brought into common tongue. When you said about moving forward rather than on. We understand that that simple change can denote something figuratively different. But in simple terms sounds like pretty much the same thing. I just found that simultaneously both meaningful and totally irrelevant at the same time, and I had to chuckle to myself. Which ironically, is how I sorta feel about this movie in part. 🤣


“OH MY STARS AND GARTERS!” Major 👏👏👏to Kelsey Grammar for his wonderful performance in this film. Beast could’ve been a challenging character to “bring to life”, but Kelsey was the perfect casting choice for the version of Beast I knew and loved growing up. Kelsey has the necessary vocal abilities and humble gravitas needed for a lethal, yet passive, genius character like Dr. Hank McCoy. Hearing him quote Churchill while watching him go full on Beast mode in the final battle is pure awesomeness, and it was even better on the big screen. This movie is my “No Way Home” of it’s time. For me No Way Home/The Last Stand were a bit of a mess in the story flow department, usage of the greater MCU/Comic/TAS connections/inspirations, as well as some of the character usage. While I do think No Way Home is a more successful and well constructed mess than The Last Stand, I would still watch The Last Stand over No Way Home any day of the week because, 💡 PERSONAL NOSTALGIA 💡 😆😆😆 This movie finally gave me the feeling I had missed with the first two X movies back when I first saw them. I was finally seeing something I held fond childhood memories of, truly come to life on the big screen, and it was a magical. I saw this movie on my 25th birthday with my husband and brother-in-law. I couldn’t have been more into adulthood at the time, being that I was almost 4 months pregnant with my second child and turning 25 😱😆 However, once we got the first live action appearance of the “Danger Room” complete with Colossus & Wolverine taking down a giant robot with an awesome combo move. I could have just as easily been 11 years old wearing my pjs, sitting in my bedroom with a bowl of cereal on a Saturday morning in perfect superhero bliss. Sometimes just a couple of moments are enough reason to love something and this movie has more than enough moments for me. 💙❌💙