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With how much I loved Into the Spider-Verse, I was pretty confident that this one would be just as fun. Click here to watchalong with me!

I say it in the video, but I'm 100% going to be seeing the third one in theatres... I can't miss out on the experience of these movies on the big screen.

Please enjoy! Looking forward to your comments.


✦ KL



Tyler Foster

Per your Letterboxd, you would've seen Jason Schwartzman as the final Evil Ex Gideon Graves in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.


Thank you! TBF, it's been literal years since I've seen that LOL. I would not have remembered.

Bryan Dempsey

Playing some catch up. This is a long movie and I knew I needed a good block of time to rewatch. The first time I watched this movie was when it arrived on Netflix. I didn’t find myself engaged and felt many of the scenes went on for one beat too many. I was very bored. Today, I was focused and saw how much I missed. I still feel like 10 minutes (or more) could have been shaved off without losing any of the story with tighter editing but I found myself engaged with the story and clearly the distractions I had in December impacted my experience because I didn’t remember huge chunks of the beginning. I look forward to the third movie and a rewatch of the first two before heading to the theater.