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Hey everyone! Thank you Jason for requesting this as your MotM pick for this month!

Click here to watchalong with me.

This movie is going to stay a Patreon Exclusive for a bit... I might get around to putting it on the channel in the summer!

I know this movie and Armaggedon get compared a lot, and I still haven't seen that one! So stay tuned for that one to come out soon-ish, because I really want to watch it now!

Please enjoy! Thank you for watching!

✦ KL




When you need someone to play God or the president, you cast Morgan Freeman 😁 Good movie, we love to see a baby Frodo!!!

Marty McGee

Deep Impact does have its flaws. However I enjoyed the emotional parts. I've always been a sucker for those anyway. Armageddon will probably be more up your alley as it's more over-the-top action, but I like it as well. It's a Jerry Bruckheimer (can't remember if Don Simpson was still alive too) produced film. So it has that very 90's action style and look. 2 very different movies about the same sort of disaster. My biggest issue with Deep Impact was Tea Leoni. This was pretty early in her career and it shows. She's become a much better actor since then however. That and the final scenes of running up a huge mountain to escape a tidal wave was pretty ridiculous. Still it's a fun and heartwarming movie that I'll watch once every 5 years or so.