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Hey! The episode title is the name of the show... 😏

Click here to watchalong to the season finale with me!

PHEW! What an end. I can't wait to read all your comments and talk about this with you all.

It's gonna be a bit before we get to Season 2, but not terribly long. Agents of SHIELD Season 2 will come first and then Jessica Jones Season 1, before we hop back into Daredevil. To those of you along for the ride with all of this, thank you! To those of you just interested in Daredevil, we'll see you back here in a few months and thank you for joining for this! Stay as a free member here on Patreon to be notified of what I'm watching, or you can always tune into kaiielle.com to see where I'm at in the watch order too.

Thank you, thank you! This has been so fun.


✦ KL




what a great season really glad you loved it. Vincent D'onofrio was absolutely perfect in this role I enjoyed every scene he was in especially during his Samaritan speech. Matt suit did not disappoint it was so good to finally see him in it also I do like in some shots Matt's hair looks more red than it actually is. Now it's on to season 2 of AoS which I am excited to go back through that with you


Proposing to your girlfriend WHILE being arrested by the FBI and IT WORKING is WILD tbh