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We're two movies in and I needed tissues?! I didn't sign up for this.

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I'm still on board with this whole X-Men thing and I'm looking forward to more! And please forgive me for all the Toad stuff in this reaction LOL I definitely forgot about that scene in the last movie, for some reason. 😂

Please enjoy! Thank you so much for watching with me.

✦ KL



Chad Jenkins

I grew up with the animated series and Nightcrawler was always my favorite. My mind was blown with the beginning of this movie in theaters

Bryan Dempsey

This was my first full rewatch in at least a decade. This movie really holds up. The characters and themes just worked. Your reaction to Bobby’s mom asking, “Have you tried not being a mutant?” was spot on. The original title was X2: X-Men United which has slowly become the simple X2, but seeing the mutants come together for a cause, with their differing ideologies really drove the story. And Wolverine is a (comic) fan favorite, so he really does stand out as the main character in a movie that would benefit from letting the ensemble breathe. I didn’t realize how little screen time Scott had, or his relationship with Jean in this movie. I would have liked to have seen them together more before the end. Cyclops is the X-Men leader in the comics and a great character there, set aside in these last two movies in favor of Logan pursuing Jean, who is in a happy relationship. Glad you enjoyed it, looking forward to the next movie in the series.