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Hey hey hey! Up next in Phase 4... Click here to watchalong with me. 

It was fun to see Robb Stark and Jon Snow together in an MCU film! 😉 I knew they were both in the MCU at some point, just wasn't sure when or what (movie or TV). Now I want to re-watch Game of Thrones. 😭 

I'm looking forward to your comments, please enjoy!

✦ KL




I really love this movie, which obviously I am in the minority on. The concepts touched on and the storytelling, visuals, sound design and everything else in this movie is really great to me. The story is serviceable, not my favourite but the rest outshines that by so much in my opinion. I do agree that the scale of the threat feels a little bit ridiculous, but I can get over that. Either way, I can accept that people don't love this one but I do /shrug

Steve Mercier

So this one gets some hate. It's not one of my favorites, but I don't think it's bad either. Gemma Chan is spectacular in the lead, and the rest of the cast is really damn good. For me, it was a story structure problem. I think the movie would've worked better if they just showed the eternals being the eternals in more-or-less chronological order, instead of jumping back and forth. It would've allowed the audience to get to know them, and care about them. Ah, well. Going to watch your reaction nevertheless.


I love the cast and the characters here, but find this movie towards the bottom of my favorites list for MCU. I think "whelmed" was an accurate description. Now, I think the issue is twofold. First the team has been on Earth for such a long time that there is a massive amount of backstory. And since this is their cinematic introduction, a lot of the runtime is spent on that backstory (backstory is good, but it is part of why the movie is so long). Second is the overall pacing being slow. I can appreciate a slow paced movie if it is made up for through an engaging story. This story unfortunately is not on that level. My hope is that next time, as the characters are now known to us, the story and progression can be more focused. This is only the third time I've watched Eternals (initial watch + two reactions) and last time I actually fell asleep about 2/3 through the movie.