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Hey everybody! 

This Patreon will soon be updated (Soon in Kurzgesagt time – 3-4 months probably).

We'll make a new Patreon video (which will probably also double as a "how we do Kurzgesagt" video) And we want to phase out some of the old rewards and offer new ones. 

So we are collecting ideas! Anything you think would be awesome if we offered it? 

For all the long term Patrons – is there something that you think would be nice for you and might motivate others to stay on for a long time?

Or any ideas for one term rewards that we should offer?

Any input is welcome! : )



Early Access to the videos your releasing.


Maybe access to some work in progress footage or previews? Folks supporting you on Patreon are here because we love your content and would love to see an early sneak peak/behind the scenes look at what's going in making our next favorite video. ^^


Maybe something like access to a livestream how your graphic artists make stuff for upcoming videos? Or something like a poll to vote which theme an upcoming video should have? I guess you have more ideas than time. And on the other hand, and this is super specific, I know, reduced shipping cost to german viewers for your merch? I mean as you are german this would be nice.


We recently added lab coats with the company logo to our gift shop and they can hardly keep them in stock. I know it'd be a lot for logistics and would probably be a higher end reward or a one time run, but I'd personally love to own and be completely proud to wear a lab coat with the kerzgesagt raven of knowledge embroidered on it! You could even include the website for a little self promotion! Lab coats are a rare item to find as merchandise and make great gifts for the science inclined nerd looking for an inspiration jacket! Lol


Mini docs highlighting the individuals behind the videos, what they do, who they are.

Andrew Wrangell Music

I think it would be really cool if we could vote on little easter eggs to put in the videos. Like you could offer a list with suggestions and put in the most popular ones in some hidden place. Like you have the Tardis in these videos, or other things from pop culture. I think that would be cool!


More information about the sources and Early Access to videos


Laptop Stickers of all your cool little critters would be fantastic.


I love your videos and I don't care about actual rewards. As long as you keep making science subjects accesible, I'll keep supporting you. What I would find useful is information about the sources, jsut in case I decide to dig deeper into the subject


Posters (PDF or printed) & Wallpapers, with some of the data-concepts exposed on the video ? But maybe posters will fit more your e-store than you patreon campaign. It is not as original as your "Get a bird and have it killed" reward, but I think it can be appreciated anyway :P Maybe a book at tosme point could be nice !


I'd just like to know how you make the videos. I love them and the animation is some of the best on YT. Love the channel, happy to pay and support!


I've been a patron of Kurzgesgat for 2 years now and will continue to be a patron as long humanly possible! The reason why my support is unwavering is due to the highly informative and beautifully created videos that you create about hot scientific topics. I fool you not, but it's one of the reasons why I'm even switching into career of technology. The videos just enlightened the passion I had inside of me. As long as you produce high quality content, I don't really think other rewards are completely necessary. However, I do agree with the above, having early access to videos, a behind the scenes reel, or "loyalty" wallpapers (or even stickers lol) would be pretty cool.


Posters/flow charts of some of the big concepts: such as the immune system or phylogenetic trees from evolution videos or maps. I'm a biology teacher, so things that you would have liked to see in a classroom when you were 16 would be great!


Given that you do infrequent, but long and very well done videos, I'd suggest additional material delivered by mail. Materials from the subject matter like the calendars from last time, or infographics, a short bed time story, a little puzzle, or anything really. Little things to infect the house inhabitants with science. Every episode can be different. Those would be mailed before the video is published so that they'd arrive by mail around the time it's published. Obviously there's going to be extra costs and effort involved so the reward level would need to be priced accordingly.


I'm not familiar with the process undertaken to produce your videos, but I'm sure that through the research involved you generate much more content than that which ends up in the final video. There could be scope there for you to produce some kind of long-form article that supplements the video by going into the topic discussed in greater depth. A good example of where this would fit well is the "Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever" video; I really enjoyed this particular video and I've shown this video to lots of people I know because it provides a fun and engaging guide to the subject. But to achieve this I feel sacrifices were made in terms of some of the 'harder' information that could have been included on the subject (I'm talking about what a publication like The Economist might write about the subject as opposed to super technical academic content). I don't know how much of an undertaking it would be to do something like this, it would certainly need to be one of the higher tier rewards, but it's something I'd be very interested in.


You could do the Honest Trailers thing and get your fabulous narrator to read out things the patrons want. Not sure how youd do it but could be fun


Longer, more in-depth videos 🙂


Have polls for patreons to choose which topic to work on next!


Free Porn....oh wait that already exists...can I edit this...


I would like to have some stickers, both the kind one puts on laptops and the kind one puts on car bumpers, in the Kurzgesagt style with pro-science sayings on them

Heather Brooks

I would never say no to more socks. But for Patreon rewards you'll probably want something digital. Backgrounds, behind the scenes, outtakes are all good.


I love you do and think it makes the world a better place. I don't feel a need for any kind of reward, but if you have anything that is"fun" that may keep us more involved, it would certainly be appreciated. For me it's about making the world a better place, and I'd love help where I can.


More awesome t-shirts please! And, your 12,017 Calendar is absolutely amazing btw!

Alejandra P.

Keep making great content! I just recently became a supporter and an excited to see the next video! All I could think is another video of the immune system.


I want no reward! Nothing! Just keep making videos.


Just keep making the awesome videos. Maybe a Tee-shirt with the avatar perk?


I'd love to have a custom duck (with some wishes like give her a computer or else) for my github repo :) . I just love the design!


I don't care for rewards, I would love to see more posts like you did a couple of weeks ago. Knowing what's going on, how you guys are doing, that's what interests me. I love to hear about you making stuff, it gets me excited for another video! Keep up the great work! And I'll keep trying to get people to pledge to your page! :D


Give us duck stickers for macbooks!


Current events posts. How it's made posts. super high resolution backgrounds (16:10 as well please). Otherwise, I don't care for rewards much. Anything which is a drain on your team, that they do not enjoy doing, should be avoided. :)


Stickers would be great! Good way to spread the word about this amazing project too.


All I need in this world is beautiful 4k backgrounds. The more the better. I may already have 2000 of them, but I need more!


Let Patrons suggest or vote on themes!


I don't know how if you can provide this but how about a Patreon sneak peek feed with just the title of upcoming videos you're working on


I'd be interested in more fleshed out information about further reading. For example, in the description of your CRISPR video, you recommended the book about GMO Sapiens (I think it was called). All of your videos give a great intro to some deep topics, so it'd be great if you had suggestions on how to learn more about the topic.

Patrick W. Gilmore

Other channels (e.g. The SciShow/CrashCourse/HFS group, PBS SpaceTime, etc.) do monthly google hangout with the presenter and some behind the scene people. It is literally 1 hour a month, so "cheap" (i.e. costs you nothing) and "easy" (relatively little time & effort). Tends to be reserved medium-and-up spend patreons (usually $15/month or more). I really like them. Would love to "hang out" with the Kurzgesagt crew a couple times a year. I would feel like I was hanging with rock stars. Oh, wait, I would be! :-)

Nate Gaylinn

Free / discounted swag? If love a bird for my desk / laptop. Sticker would be cheap, plush or vinyl figurine would be amazing.

Nate Gaylinn

I give to support great content. The perks aren't really a motivator. Though, I appreciate that you want to give back to your fans. ^.^


T-Shirts sold in Germany would be so great!! *-*


I second Nate's comment. The videos you guys make are reward enough!


i wholesomely agree with above "Nate" perks will never be a reason to support awesome content.


You could do something like V-Sauce does with their curiosity box. In their case its a charity thing but a quarterly swag release for higher donating patrons might be a good way to encourage people. Especially if its themed around the videos done in that quarter.


You guys producing quality content on a regular basis is more than enough!


A nutshell is enough


Stickers, T-shirts, or even wallpapers are cool!


Wallpapers! I love the previous ones you made!


I've read through most of the comments and decided to make a quick summary of my favourites: 1. You could create a PDF with all the additional informations you gathered, but didn't put in the video with additional sources. 2. Topic or collaboration polls. (Veritasium, PBS Spacetime etc.) 3. Stickers for Laptops 4. Let people comment things that you'll read out loud in your awesome voice like in Honest Trailers.(although I think that this might cause a decent decrease in seriousness haha) Additionally, I would definitely NOT allow early acces to the videos. Because this would take away the momentum of the video. Keep up the great work! You guys are doing an amazing job.


i would like to be informed on the ongoing research of the current video or current news. I agree with the above comment, early access is a little dangerous. but having a blog about the research and new findings, articles you find interesting would be nice. its hard to find reliable web documents on interesting topic

Justin Lee

Give patrons access to polls, where they can vote on current video ideas. This way we feel like we have a voice and a part in Kurzgesagt, and your videos are also ours.




It'd be cool to creatively pull in all the patron's names (or designated substitute for a name) into a video, somewhere where you see a whole lot of bits of information at once. That's super abstract, so examples: If you were showing a whole bunch of neurons on the screen at once and each was holding an idea, and you zoomed out to show the scale of what was going on, each "idea" could be a user name. Or if there was a ton of code or data on a computer, our names could all be slipped in there.


Magnets...science need magnets! :D


More wallpapers!


a 360 short episode in 4K/3D. I would love to watch this with VR glasses. :D


Agree with @Morgan above, producing quality content on a regular basis is more than enough. But a wallpaper now and then is very nice, my screens at work only use Kurzgesagt Wallpapers =)

Meyron Levanon

i know shipping is a hassle so something i can print at home or just download and use will be nice. more wallpapers, a special certificate, special bonus music, a.. um.. computer stickers, pins, allow me to suggest a geeky reference to be embedded in a future video?


I'd really like access to more cool swag - posters, mugs, t-shirts. The store over at <a href="http://kurzgesagt.org/shop/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://kurzgesagt.org/shop/</a> is so sparse. It'd be really cool if there was more posters and stuff especially themed towards specific videos, like I'd love to buy a "fermi paradox" poster. If patreon supporters at +$X/month got like free shipping or a 10% discount or something would be pretty awesome.


Magnets for refrigerators (or walk-in ice-core freezers, or fire doors, or sediment-drying ovens, or centrifuges, or ...), magnets. Key fobs: all scientists have too many keys: office, shop, lab, field truck, delivery van, bike, .. .


T-Shirts! Small duck on the front (upper-left) and big one on the back. A few different colors would be nice too (blue, red, black, white).


A mug with your custom bird! :)


The bigger the donation, the more you can customize your bird, that way we can better recognize it if it pops up in a video


Can we still get our hands on some of those socks you used to have on offer?


I second that. Furthermore it would be cool if there was some space to provide topic suggestions (no, you don't need to implement them; but if you consider them worthwhile you could then put them in a poll).


Socks are always fun :)


I second magnets and would absolutely love to receive swag such as mugs, posters or tees.


I enjoyed the recent screenshot, more would certainly be welcome as a start. If it'snot too tricky to manufacture I think pin badges of the birds, planets or any of the wonderful components featured in the videos. Either way, something wearable would be fantastic thanks! :D


Fancy pins or fancy die-cut stickers would be dope


Maybe some vídeos about science in pop culture would be Nice

Jonathan De Wet

A monthly un-edited podcast by 2-3 members of your team. They could talk about whatever random stuff they like. I think it would be interesting to hear a bit of behind the scenes.


Being a new patron, I'll just be stoked to see my bird! Hopefully it's really cool! I'd not want any say in videos or process as I think you guys do epic work and I'd not want to detract from that. Just keep up the good work! I'm a patron to support your work, not to create more work on my behalf. :)


I second the podcast idea, composed of things like behind the scenes, creator opinion on the content covered (especially controversial vids, maybe with reference to comments ) and whatever random stuff pops into those awesome heads of yours.


Birdsocks and underwear!!

Raïs De Weirdt

some after effects behind the scenes! :)

Keith Chang

A blooper reel :)