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Thomas Torrissen

These days there is a nuclear wind blowing (Oppenheimer, Putin), maybe you could make something out of it? I mean, you've made a few videos about nuclear energy, and I've loved them all, but how about the flipside of the coin, the sword hanging over us, in the hands of a few madmen? And what is really the difference between uranium and hydrogen in bombs?

Thomas Torrissen

And another one: Industrial food production and farming. Ninety percent or so of liveable area on this globe is used for human activities, most of all biomass is human or something useful for us, We have, as the good book said; 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.', At the expense of species extinction, environmental destruction, animal suffering, human health and obesity... We need facts and figures, in a nutshell. Even if it makes it harder to be proud of our so-called "humanity".


what's, "the good book?" I've never heard of that.


Hi! I missed the survey, but a topic idea! Given the massive influx of ML/AI tools it would be really interesting to see an idea on how ai generated content and our notion of what originality is could interact. Also the good and bad sides of ML/AI technology as a tool. I think it's really important for an accessible presentation of this information currently since major governments are being pressured to make regulations and your videos generally provided a well researched picture of similar issues and some of their nuance. Holy Herndon is an artist that has some interesting ideas here check out her Ted talk https://youtu.be/5cbCYwgQkTE