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If you are – like us – stuck at home right now, you and your kids might be in need of a fun creative outlet. We wanted to take this opportunity to give you all a little Care-PDF. We prepared it just for you. It is brimming with lots of fun stuff for the whole family. Print it and get busy coloring, crafting and playing! It even includes an exclusive kurzgesagt concentration game. 

We hope this will be a welcome distraction for you and your family during these scary times.
Life is beautiful even if you’re stuck inside! 



Michael Damon

That's amazing. Y'all are the best!


This is awesome well done



Kamen Milchev

That's awesome. Thank you!


Thank you!

Jennifer K Stingl

I'm not sure if my kids or I could love this more!! Thank you!!!!!


Very sweet.


Thanks, very thoughtful

Hind Hussein

Thanks ! About the 10:1 bacteria:human cell ratio: http://www.nature.com/news/scientists-bust-myth-that-our-bodies-have-more-bacteria-than-human-cells-1.19136

Kay Brinkmann

Thanks so much! I don’t know if that’s too much work in the current situation, but would a German version be possible? I know a lot of parents with small children here in cologne who might like this. I’d be happy to translate the text and send it to you if that helps!

Scott Smith

Thank you so much! I hope the whole Kurzgesagt team stays healthy and safe in this difficult time. I really appreciate the work, information, and entertainment you provide.


Lovely. Thank you, Kurzgesagt. :)

Team Saunders

You guys are awesome. I wish the whole world had access and was listening to your stuff (desperately trying to make this happen through maximum forwarding and sharing!!)

Troy Wilkins

Thank you so very much for this wonderful surprise. This really made me smile and shed a tear of pure joy. This shows such care and compassion for us all, and some wonderful ideas here. The effort and love that has gone into this shines through - this was clearly a labor of love and lots of time has been spent on this, giving us such a high quality, beautiful resource. My family is so appreciative of this, and one of those beautiful animals will certainly find itself decorating my laptop soon!


This is just wonderful. Then again, all of you are wonderful. Thank you! I'm proud to be one of your patrons.

Kira Stegner

This is so nice and so helpful! You guys are the best!

Anatoly Lapshin

Beautiful! Thanks for inspiration You are great!

Kendra Reed

This is absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much for everything you do- you're all just the absolute best. This has definitely brought a lot of joy for all of us! Absolute gratitude from the whole family.


You too good to us. Thank you! ❤

Sriram Kannan

Very good. So thoughtful of you guys. Thanks!

orange slice

Is there a metric version of this? I care little about units of measurement like feet

Gabriel Guimarães

Print n Play things are so awesome! Thank you very much!

Alex Gudenko

Thanks! My daughter loved it 😁👍🏻


This is absolutely amazing!! Thank you guys :-)


Love you guys!

Pyo Heliobros

This is really nice, but is there a way to let an elefant explode?

Rory Kramer

I love everything yall do! Keep it up! 💜

Rayn Fluner

Love it! Thank you :)

Nicholas Watton

Amazing... I love it! Thank you ❤️


Hi Kurzgesagt! I've seen TARDISES and green daleks you've put up everywhere. do you like dr. who? I love it! can you do a dr. who episode? you don't have to do it. I just want to see how you animate dr. who.

Kevin Zhang

Hi Kurzgesagt, It is amazing! Love the photos.

barbazooka (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 15:55:39 I love you guys so much! Stay safe and be well <3
2020-04-17 03:45:29 I love you guys so much! Stay safe and be well <3

I love you guys so much! Stay safe and be well <3


You guys!!!! 🥰

Lee M Geller

Wonderful! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

Dmitry Mandriko

Awww... That is both adorable and educational. ☺️

AleV Ykehara

Thanks! I really love your work!

Mariano Rojo

Thanks for everything :)

Liyuan Wang (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 15:55:36 Love the work you do. &lt;3
2020-05-01 16:41:55 Love the work you do. <3

Love the work you do. <3

Bjoern Hardt

thanks for this :)


Good Job!! Hope you can get back to making videos asap :)

Classical World

lots of great activities for the kids here!

Kevin Zhang

I love it it's so cute!

Chrisjumpman .

How do I download the file in order to print it?


This amazing! Thank you for making this!!!

Michael Jess (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 15:55:36 There's a link at the bottom of the post --&gt; https://www.patreon.com/file?h=36020632&amp;i=5432285
2020-08-03 10:06:29 There's a link at the bottom of the post --> https://www.patreon.com/file?h=36020632&i=5432285

There's a link at the bottom of the post --> https://www.patreon.com/file?h=36020632&i=5432285


Awesome! It’s great

Rachel Hu

love this! so sweet