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Next preview. We seriously have to do more science fiction videos – they are one of the most pleasant ones to work on. Since at least the first Fermi video seemed to be very popular, do you guys have any topic suggestions in that direction? Like we heard time travel for example. Overall I don't think we will do too many videos in that direction because in the end we want to explain stuff which is.... you know... real. But doing those two Fermi Paradox videos was a bit like holidays, you spend climbing up a mountain. A lot of hard work but also challenging and fun and the view was amazing. So if you have ideas or wishes let us know! : )




Quantum mechanics for starters. Please <3


I enjoyed the juxtaposition of "We seriously have to do more science fiction videos" with "I don't think we will do too many videos in that [Fermi paradox] direction because [...] we want to explain stuff which is [...] real". (^_^)


Machine code, why billions of transistors can create kurzgesagt! and/or logic gates and such, not that it is science fiction, still interesting thou.


Not really in line with what you had mentioned but I would love to see a video all about the LHC at CERN. I am sure you would have to touch on the history and the past findings of the accelerator (i.e. Higgs Boson) But also the most current up to date information would be interesting as well. I read recently the found a very rare decay in the detector. Just an idea!


String theory and quantum entanglement. Maybe faster than light travel? Or actual colonization of the moon/mars?


when doing quantum mechanics you really should cover the many worlds theory. that's the most "science fictiony" one I can think of in this context. maybe there's another world where the laptop is typing this text on me ;)

Arturo Gutierrez

How about a video about time travel using einstein's relativity? the whole twins paradox or maybe the hypotethical reversal of time inside a black hole


I love your immune system series, I would love for you to elaborate more in that direction. It's pretty unique and I don't see any other Youtuber exploring this subject in the way that you guys are. Perhaps Crash Course has something... but the format is not as good as yours. Other suggestions are: - Higgs Boson - Renewable Energy (Solar, Fusion, Wind, etc.) - Climate Change - Intelligence Singularity - Printing (3D Printing or Meat printing) - Cultural Relativism - Droughts - Language diversity - What should happen when there is an epidemic or pandemic - How does a country become rich - How do stock markets work

Daniel Carrera

Stick to real science. No time travel please. I think the Fermi Paradox is popular because we often wonder if we are alone in the universe. Following that topic, you could do some videos on exoplanets. You can ask me for help if you wish; I am an astrophysicist. Some possible topics: (1) Number of planets in the habitable zone. (2) It looks like our solar system is uncommon, and the most common type of planet system has multiple tightly packed super-Earths. (3) Some people are trying to figure out whether super-Earths can be habitable (this requires a mix of geology and biology; not my fields). (4) Hot Jupiters are interesting. (5) How to detect life in a distant planet. (6) Free floating planets. (7) My own work is on the stability of planetary systems. There is evidence that in some solar systems the giant planets have had strong gravitational interactions with each other that caused the system fall apart chaotically. This results in some giant planets being ejected from the system while others end up in highly elliptical orbits, possibly destroying all the rocky planets as well. This process might be responsible for both hot Jupiters and free floating planets. Sorry for the long comment. I hope this gives you some ideas.


Artificial intelligence; its current state and the existential threat super-intelligence could present.


You could do something about current state of teleportation :P Because from time to time it pops up that some scientists teleported something, but it may be very misleading because everyone things about star-trek-like teleportation. But maybe it's better to do something on quantum mechanic first (or after?). Good job, as always!


-faster than light travel (mathematical development) -next step in space travel e.g. development of sttos like skylon, space elevator -development in resarch in understanding of death e.g. shortening of Telomere -Why iPhones sucks and why you should switch to Android or Windows Phones -development in cloning and or genetic research (you could do like a good and evil video like you did on nuclear power) Also I read some of the other comments they weren't bad ideas as well.


A thing that I would like to understand more and know why its taking sooo damn long its Graphene. We are told over and over through sooo many years already that this revolutionary material would change the world. With its hundreds and thousands applications, which could be pointed, construction, space elevator, solar power, battery, computers. How this miracle thingy can be so versatile? Why its taking so long? what makes this thing so important and why its so hard to make in real life. I dont get it. For me it seems like a science fiction but a close one with incredible applications.


Peak oil! It's a serious environmental, social and economical issue with ramifications that are on the level of climate change. And nobody seems to be talking about it, not politicans nor activists. It really scares the heck out of me! I have two questions that i am and constantly pondering about this topic that might be helpful if your considering: 1: How can society adapt to the problems of a eventual rise in oil prices when so much of society (food transport, commuting, overseas manufacturing, globalization in general, COFFE IMPORTS, etc etc) depends on cheap oil? What's more likely, a panic or sustainable solutions? 2: How can we have growth(something that is necessary for a functioning economy) if we have a a net energy loss? Are we in for an economic calamity when peak oil hits? How do we get out of it?


The process of making computer-chips. This includes multiple elements that seem almost like science fiction, but it's real! Large crystals weighing several tons, all in a perfect internal structure, cut and ground into perfeclty flat wafers, then etched with light that has a longer wavelength that the features it's supposed to etch. And then the many, many layers of "wires" connecting everything, and multiple different types of everything. Almost everything someone uses today is powered by microchips, and if you have smartphone, those thin and tiny dies are even stacked on top of another! You could mention things like yields, cost and technological advances, moore's law and how this ties in with quantum mechanics!


Time travel.... it would be awesome if you explain me how Doctor Who can may calls when he is travelling in time. How the other cellphone knows WHEN to recieve the call? o.O There is some inconsistencies in that programme, but also there is some assumptions and theories that they assume them as their reallity, wich would be interesenting to analyze if they are possible or not ^.^


Bitcoin... Analyse the possibilities of the world adaptation of a cryptocurrency over any other currency.


Since it's fiction, do an episode on how Machines could survive the future inhospitable lifeless Earth (you know, after all oceans have boiled away from the ever growing-dying sun of ours), making Earth the planet of the machines. Something like the Transformers earth version :)


Definitely agree with quantum mechanics and/or string theory suggestions. *thumbs up


Thank you for all your suggestions and comments! :D


Hey guys, I am not a very active patron, and I'm sorry for that, but seeing this post just clicked me to remember an article I've read some time ago about physics on space battles depicted in science fiction (<a href="http://josephshoer.com/blog/2009/12/thoughts-on-space-battles/)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://josephshoer.com/blog/2009/12/thoughts-on-space-battles/).</a> I found that topic simply amazing, and watching something about this in Kurzgesagt production level will truly be a thing for the ages. There are lots of topics to explore like propulsion, maneuverability, weapons and defense systems, comms, object-detection systems, stealth, etc. And I know this is only scratching the list. I hope the idea can help and wish you guys the best!


Several interesting ideas for future videos: _Artificial Intelligence _Human Augmentation _Fusion _Graphene _3D Printing _Holograms _Mars Colony _Asteroid Mining _Exoplanets _Orbital Debris _Quantum Computer _Cryptocurrency _Self-Driving Taxis _Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria _Vertical Farms / Aeroponics _Carbon Capture _Water Capture _Capsule Hotels


I think it would be interesting to see how DNA testing works. Like they do on the CSI type shows, and those 23andme products.


4th dimension explained would be amazing.


Phasers and the general idea of laser weaponry or something?


Higgs Boson and Intelligence Singularity would be great

Gianni Pareja Schmidt

keep up the good work and think about teaming up with tim from waitbutwhy more often. i think you are a great team and can come up with many interesting topics.

Nicholas Hill

I love cosmology, and to understand our place in the universe. You guys are so great at explaining things, I reckon you could even explain quantum mechanics, the famous double slit, delayed choice quantum eraser or even the quantum Cheshire cat! There is a lot of mis-information out there on these subjects because they are so difficult to understand. Lawrence Krauss explains these things well, and seems to have an excellent understanding.