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Hey everybody, an update is way overdue.

So after a bunch of months of unpleasant treatments, my current status is officially “complete remission”. The cancer had spread to multiple organs but all of it has melted away. My chance of it staying like that is very high. So pretty much the best case scenario. It took a few months to get my health back but I’m almost where I was before.

Thank all of you for the good wishes, messages and things that got sent my way. Sorry that I did not reply to most of them, it was quite an overwhelming year and I frankly did not know how to react.

Many have asked if I will turn this experience into a video and the answer is: Maybe. There is something in the works, not sure how it will turn out though.

Cancer is a great opportunity to review your life choices. For me it has become crystal clear that my life’s purpose is to write the scripts for Kurzgesagt and to keep the quality of the videos as high as possible. And to grow this whole project to make a tiny impact in the world. So expect a bunch of new things next year.

Thank you so much for staying with us and for your continued support. It has been a wild ride so far. This project would not be possible without you. – Philipp



Amazing news Philipp, very happy to hear. All the best and looking forward to the future of the channel!


So so very glad to hear that!! You are the main reason I am here and I am utterly psyched for your good news!


That's such a good news! Love from Brazil.


Very glad to hear it! As a cancer biologist, I can tell you that the odds of a stage 4 cancer not being terminal are so rare. So relieved for you and your family.


You are a great warrior Philipp, your news made us all very happy!! All the best for the future :)


Oh man, that's such fantastic news. I can't imagine what you've gone through, but I am sure happy you're still here.


Very happy to hear that!


Great news! Wish you full and quick recovering! Видужуй, друже )


Wonderful news ... just make sure your health is priority 1, and your amazing videos can come when ever they come. I'm here for the long haul, I hope you are too.


Fantastic news! I super happy for you, me and all of us ;) Love from Colombia

Glenn Ponka

Hang in there, take care and be well.


AWESOME NEWS! I'm really glad to hear that.


Congratulations! Amazing news. Couldn't be happier for you and selfishly I'm excited for the rest of us who will continue to benefit via Kurzgesagt!


Great news! Wonderful to read. Wishing all the strength and inspiration for the future!


So glad to hear it Philipp! Merry Christmas to you and yours.


Congratulations you absolute unit 💂‍♂️


Amazing to hear! Please take any further time you need to recover. Health is priority no. Wishing you and your family amazing holidays!


Amazing news man! So glad to hear you kicked cancer's arse!

CJ Canton



Fantastic news! So glad to hear it!


That is fantastic news. Congratulations!


That are good news. I wish that you stay healthy so that you can live the life you want^^


I had missed the bad news, I am very happy to hear the good ones, because the world is better if you keep up with your amazing work.


Fantastic news! Keep up your amazing work :)


You just got a few tears out of me. F*ck yeah! Many many congrats.


Stay strong my fellow human. Thanks for your art, cannot wait to see more of it. Hug

Monica Luevano

I'm so happy for you, we were all worry for you and this is great news, I love your work and hope you can keep making it, it's what makes my days a little better


It is so awesome to hear! Also yaaaay for conteporary medicine!

Lenka Weingartová

But this is extremely pleasant news! :) We love what you are doing and we love that you want to continue with Kurzgesagt - it's a great undertaking that helps to change the world. All the best!


I'm glad to hear you're fine and I love your mission. I hope everything stays like this or gets better!


Ditto for all the wonderful previous comments... :)


No need to hurry, I count on staying subscribed anyways. Take as much time as you want to rest and recover, even if it is a couple of years. 👌👍


Great news Philipp! Life is a beautiful gift. Your work makes me grow as a person and your journey helps me to reflect on my life choices and to focus my energy on what is most important. Thank you.


I'm happy to hear that you, a bright beacon to knowledge, are staying with us. It's saddening if young, inspiring forces of good disappear early, because they had an unlucky roll on the genetic traits table. So I pray that you, Philipp, don't get screwed over by life like TB/John Bain was. Yes, a video about this experience would be.. interesting? That word sounds kind of awful out of place here. But I found it quite enlightening to hear TB talk about his experiences.. on what cancer does to you psychologically and the weird, disturbing situation of "Without treatment, I feel much better.. but I'll die". It's not something I was expecting from the statement "I'm terminally ill".


Yay good to hear you're better Phillip




Glad to hear you’re better. I nearly lost my life two years ago when my colon rupture and sepsis caught me. Thankfully the best doctors and a lot of surgery has me back to form. It changes your life and I share with you that new focus that it’s precius.


Most Excellent!

Kirk Anderson

Bless you! Keep up the good work!


You should've called it "Pleasant Update" in that case, why worry us! :O Happy to hear though! Can't wait to see more of your work! :)


Thank you for sharing, Philipp. Glad things are looking up for you!

Forodriac Origamius

Wonderful news to start the weekend with! Extremely glad for your sake, may you stay healthy!

Michael Finney

My young son was worried about you. You’ve made a big impact on people of all ages. Thank you for the update. Glad things are going better. Best wishes to you and all you do.


You are truly inspiring, Philipp. Thank you :)


I love to hear that! Congrats.


I am so glad that such a positive influence in society's curiosity has not been lost! Congratulations my man!


Wishing you all the best! Stay healthy, and amazing.

Tamara Zavodska

Wish you all the best and that ypu will be ok! Thank you for all the work and good things you create.


Wow I had totally missed this. Great to hear you're on the path to recovery. Best wishes to you and a huge thanks for your work. Fuck cancer!


What a good news. Thanks.

Oliver Sartun

Why is it titled "Unpleasant news"? These are great news!!👏👏👏


congratulations on your recovery


Glad to hear your health is returning!


Your title had us going. Congrats and welcome back!


these are such great news Philipp! Stay healthy!


Having lost my dearest friend to Cancer, I am twice as happy for you, especially as not many people get this far. Much love and luck for the future.


Fantastic news! Glad to hear your health is improving.


This is VERY PLEASANT news! 🙌🏾 So happy for you and your family (and selfishly, all us Kurzgesagt fans 😉). Please keep focusing on your health til you're back to 💯, brother 🙏🏾


Great news!


That’s great news! After losing my mom to cancer this year, hearing anyone’s story of beating it brings a smile and a tear. Keep up the great content!


Great news Philipp! Happy for you :)


These are fantastic news Philipp! Thank you for sharing. What Kurzgesagt and you are doing is very important work and I thank you again for it. All the best!


Damn guy... I'm glad you pulled through.


Hope: 1 - 0 :Despair Great news, Philipp. Rock on!


So, so very happy to hear this. Bravo to you for powering through, and to modern medicine, and the doctors of course. Get strong soon and keep doing the great work you’re already doing for many more healthy years.


The world is better because it will keep having you in it.

Sven Sauerwald

I am so happy to hear these news! Congratulations on beating this beast and hopefully it will stay away for good!


Our family is so happy for you!!! Wishing your peaceful and relaxing days ahead!


So very happy for you. This is wonderful news, and I am so pleased in the conclusion you came up with for your purpose in life.




So glad to hear this! I think at some point you should make a video about cancer. After all is one of the main causes of mortality in our society these days. It would be really informative.

Brittany B.

It's so amazing that your experience with cancer has resulted in the certainty that producing these videos is your life's mission. I feel so inspired, and humbled, to hear that.. recently I produced a video with voiceover and animations (for work), having never done it before, and as a result I have so much awe and respect for people who do video editing/directing for a living. It's so easy to spend 100+ hours to produce a quality 5 min video. Thank you for all that you do.


What a great news. Glad to hear you are doing well.

Joshua Grose

So glad to hear the good news on your cancer. Thank you so much for all you do!


My heart sank seeing the title, only to be rescued by the rest of the post. Thank you for your dedication to education and we all wish all the best with your recovery.


Very glad to hear the news. Do you mind if I ask what treatment you received? I have two family members currently undergoing cancer treatments of different kinds.


Philip: thanks for the update! the channel is a pure delight and I use it regularly in my classroom. I was shocked to hear of your diagnosis a few months back and am now so happy you're in remission. One day at a time dude, that's all we have, and you're making the most of yours. Respect.


I am so glad to hear this news! Thanks for all the great work you do.


Glad you got to the other side...


Awesome news Phillip! Glad you have come through alright. The world deserves more of you.


Wonderful news.


Thank you for sharing your experience during it all, and am so glad things turned out for the better.


I'm a late addition to supporting Kurzgesagt on Patreon, so I wasn't aware of your health concerns until now. But cancer has absolutely ravaged my family, so I wanted to say congrats on kicking its ass! Very, very thankful for these videos, both as a teaching tool and as a resource for future generations in support of education, kindness, and the sharing of knowledge. All the best to you and your team! =)


Glad to see you have "complete remission". The battle isn't over for sure but I hope it is and you have a good many years ahead of you.


I am so incredibly grateful to receive this news about your health status, as am I for your continuing hard work and masterful educational content. Keep up the great work, and I sincerely hope your health continues to improve! Thank you, Philipp, and take care. :)


What a big relief Philipp! My 9 year old son and I love your videos and look forward to many more - love the health angle...maybe with the meaning of life... right up Kurzgesagt's alley! <3


Awesome news. Congratulations!

rolf redford

Fanatic news! Keep on rocking!


Happy to read the good news. Wishing you a steady recovery and renewed sense of purpose. Thank you for making our lives better with the work you do!


I love this channel so much for its mission of educating people "to make a tiny impact in the world." I hope you recover well.


Hugs and good wishes from my whole family! Your work has inspired us all. Here is to your swift recovery!


You are making such a difference... in no way tiny. Receive please our best wishes on your full recovery. Thank you for the gift of your tallent.


I wish you fully recover, mr Philipp. I send you many WOWs!


I'm always looking forward to watching your movie for learning English in Japan. I hope you recover.


This is fantastic news, congratulations! :)


great news! congrats!


Very glad to hear that. Hope it stays like this and you feel better.

Mark Brady

Great news, congratulations!!


I'm so happy to read that. And what a beautiful project to dedicate your work to. I wish you guys the best of luck !


Glad to hear that! Best wishes from Austria :)




I had no idea you were going through this, but I am so happy to read the update!


Congratulations man! I'm so glad you're in remission! Honestly take as much time, I know how much of a burden this horrible disease is. Please just enjoy life and do what you enjoy most!


Awesome !! :)


Good to hear and damn that are some unpleasant news. Wish you all the good Philipp, stay strong and it's awesome to hear that you are in "complete remission". Thank you for all your efforts! Stay safe!


Great news, congratulations! Wish you the best.


I'm also have cancer and want to motivate any other cancer having patients and all the other healthy people. Pleas don't forget about scientific growing knowledge. We are getting better in fighting thees sicknesses. I'm having a Glioblastom in my brain and survived more than 4 years even while 95 % of the people die during the first 5 years!!! (It's a fct like e^(-t) with the survival probability) WHY? Okay one of the most important things is luck about where the Cancer is. But after that you have to WANT to be alive. I also had deep operations and survived it because of your science but a half of it is also your mental strength wich is supporter by your family and friends! For exemple I did lose the whole "reading"-ability and worked hard to relearn it while I also fished may BSc Math in Germany and even while I'm still training to get faster I'm writing on my Math MSc thesis. But watch out! A few ages ago cancer was seldom! Why and what can we do?! Take more care about what you eat! For example in nutritionfacts.org you can learn for free lots about what you should and shouldn't eat. Kurzgesagt: family and friends, science and nutrition is the most important base for all of us. Dont forget about our nutrition and therefor health.


Hey there! Could i know when my rewards are coming? I pledged for the "The Cake is not a Lie" tier.


Hi, I like the blog from Dr. Michael Greger, nutritionfacts.org he does post videos about the best of knowledge science has about nutrition, and how the medicine academies today don’t even study it. There are a lot of research about cancer that I recommend for you Philipp. The information he makes public has changed lives os many people, including mine. All the best, keep up with the amazing job you guys are doing.

Luke Ratzlaff

i only very recently discovered that you existed. then today i read here that we were at risk of losing you. then i read that you've come out ahead! what a rollercoaster! i can't imagine what you've been through. congratulations on the good news, and best of luck! ❤️❤️