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Yesterday it happened again. A Youtube wide error that affected most creators. Videos did not show up in sub boxes. Most of our subscribers were not notified. Everybody who uploaded yesterday was kind of screwed. Our upload yesterday will have between 500K to 1 million views less because of that. Which translates into thousands of dollars. Not because Youtube is bad or our video sucked or anything. Just random bad luck that comes with being a creator on the internet. This is what Patreon protects us against. Random events that really hurt our income. Thank you for supporting us on Patreon and making events like yesterday less scary and frustrating.



Thank goodness, you guys!


Guess i'll have to watch it again.


Gotchu fam.


No problems, thanks for the update


We got you! :D

Andrew Wrangell Music

That's annoying... Because my video upload day was yesterday too. :(


I was wondering why I never got a notification. Darnit.


that sounds horrifing


Google, what can you expect..

Simone Spinozzi

Good luck with future videos anyway.

Michael Finney

You’re awesome 👏 Happy to support!


So, our job is not done! Let's share widely!

Oliver Sartun

I got notified. Also, I shared it on Facebook (before knowing about the YouTube glitch), maybe that helps 😊

Brittany B.

Hubby and me were notified! But I'm sorry to hear that these glitches can have such a huge impact on the bottom line for creators...

Patrick W. Gilmore

Philipp & company, That TOTALLY sucks. I'll make a small one-time increase in my patreon to try and offset it slightly. I hope lots of others do as well. A comment on distributing large amounts of content on the Internet: Having more than a little experience with the other side of this equation, I can tell you the engineers at YouTube are literally sick to their stomach when this type of thing happens. These outages reach all the way up to the CEO. It sucks, for everyone. Based on your response, it is clear you know this was not intentional. But more than that, a LOT of time, effort, and money went into trying to prevent it. YouTube does an amazing job given the challenges they have. They will get better. Anyway, I am glad I am a tiny part of backstopping you in these cases. And i hope some of those missed views are made up over time. Obviously a dollar (Euro?) six months from now is not as useful as one today, but I still hope you get them eventually. Thank you for all you do.


the embedded video here actually also didn't work for me. I got a notification mail for the video from Youtube though and this worked fine


Personally, I check the Subscriptions page (<a href="https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions</a>) regularly to make sure I don't miss anything!


thats sucks


Glad to help &lt;3

Camilo Hernando Duran Bautista

I wasn't event aware something like that commonly happen.... thanks a lot for this info and I'm happy to support!


Guys, time to start watching the video x700 times the usual amount