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Dear birbs,

after reading your feedback and looking into it, we have to say you are right: our video on the Workout Paradox was too simplified and didn't explain things clearly enough. Scripts start out more detailed and then get shortened, and this time we obviously overdid it. This is exactly the kind of stuff we try to avoid, but we went too far, and this hurt the message and the science we wanted to explain. What now? We are editing the script, adding more information, including more expert feedback, and will update the video as soon as possible. After this is set and done, we’ll do a review to see how we can avoid this in the future. We’ll keep you posted!

Much love from all of us!




Very excited to see the updates! I also felt this video was too simplified. Would love to see explanations of the variance in calories burned by people (because obviously there is Michael Phelps and his diet). And curious to know about age affects on that as well


Looking forward to the update.

Angel Alberici

Team, the animations are fantastic and I truly enjoyed watching with the pace and the great messaging. Now I am trying to make sense of it and I will likely wait until that next update. I.e. the video states: - 260 kcalories for walking hour - Pontzer 2012 stating Hunter Gatherers societies in africa walking 9km a day on average (weekly average? monthly? etc.) - As a city dweller, walking 1 hour is about 5 km, walking 2 hours is about 10km, walking about 2 hours a day (as average) doesnt sound like much? is it? There are other parts of the video where "body movement doesn't use more calories" min 6:41 but right before it was mentioned the body is able to 'reduce resources in other organs when needed' for example when over-reasources our auto-immune system becoming lazy/inefficient causing more inflamation (as it drags more resources but if you have over-abundance you can use it, like a Tech company using cash!); sounding like yes body movements will burn more calories but body will compensate elsewhere. I will be reading those papers from Pontzer later this week. I will no dig further until the newer video! and thank you for the great work