Siege Ended, Retreat Prevented (Patreon)
Kulve was understandably bitter over having become dinner for a dragon smaller than herself, and she wasn't at all pleased knowing that her gold was being stolen while she was crammed into its stomach. Arkady didn't really care about Kulve's claims that he technically failed the Quest by devouring her, and all Kulve could really do in response was spout harmless curses and rants from within Arkady's swollen stomach - most of which were drowned out by the gurgles and groans of his stomach readying to digest its latest meal. A process that would take several weeks if not a month.... Coincidentally, a month is when Kulve's scheduled to return to roaming her golden caverns. Funny how these things work out like that!
Kulve's still bitter over these events it seems :P Can't really blame her, but sometimes these things happen!