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Mizutsune Monday: A doodle every Monday, to celebrate what great prey mitsunes make.    

This week is a special little one,  a young Mizu keeping his little sister sheltered snugly in his soft and warm belly to comfort her during a thunderstorm. Tama curls up comfortably in the moist interior, the stomach muscles muffling out the sounds of the thunderstorm outside as the slimy walls squish harmlessly around her.  

Technically this is still mitsune prey haha, and a very rare case of a mitsune pred (And preyish Mizu at that!)  but a friend asked me if these two ever tried to eat eachother as little leviathans, and I recalled back to ideas I had of Mizu looking after his little sister by swallowing her up and keeping her safe in his tummy, like when she was frightened during storms such as this. 

I had to draw something like that, so picked that for this week's Mizu Monday  ^^ 

This one's a little rushed I'm afraid, as well as being a bit late, I apologize for that ^^; 



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