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Roughly two hours of drawing.  Not sure if I'll ever finish it however, but here's it as a sketch!  Remobra are terribly underrated, even for a MonHun creature.

I was originally going to have the last panel without the little 'bubble' there, but as I was assembling the panels to save it out as a jpeg I thought back to this comic of Qurupeco where it was trying to summon a rathian but kept getting the calls wrong and eating the monster that arrived so they could leave and tell people about its mistake. 

In the end it eventually eats a Kushala Daora as well, and after spending some time digesting the group of not-rathian's it ate and processing them into fat,  Kushala ended up as a slab of fat on qurupeco's thighs.... And Kushala was still very much conscious during that time, and very much irritated at where it ended up.  Could have been on the belly or the wing arms, but nope - had to be stuck in the hips. 

I found it amusing enough I went back to doodle that into this as well with Rathalos~



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