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Hi everyone, Rich here! Are you enjoying your weekend? Tom left this on the channel for us to discover and - you know what? - why not share it with everyone?

Will the game improve with the patch we're getting imminently? Is that guy in the thumbnail a kind of Tolkien-esque Craig from Halo Infinite? We'll have answers for you at some point next week. 


Lord of the Rings: Gollum - Xbox Series S 'Quality' Mode

A sampling of the data from Tom Morgan's current Lord of the Rings: Gollum testing.



I kinda feel bad for Daedalic. They've primarily made 2d point and click adventure games before this (including some pretty decent ones!), and so this is a massive leap for them in terms of scale and ambition, and it's kinda not shocking it was a bit of a mess/not a big success. It's a HUGE jump in technical inplementation for them. I do feel like the publisher has put too much of a highlight on this game, both with the amount of marketing and the pricing. If this had not had such a huge marketing push and had come out at 20 or 30 dollars, I don't think it would've been shit on nearly as much, or gotten as much attention as it maybe unfairly has. Instead it's been pushed as a full priced, quite widely advertised LOTR game, and so people are understandably disappointed when it doesn't meet those kind of expectations.


I don't remember the last time I saw an opening cinematic drop to 10 fps. Overall, the audio isn't bad. Other than that.....I've got nothing. I guess if you don't care about art, asset quality, frame rate, tearing or gameplay it would be fine.


They released a new LOTR Game for playstation 2 and og Xbox? Awesome! I actually got this for $21 an hour before release from a legit site so I said.... It's awful I know this but I must see for myself then talk my wife into playing a couple hours mwahaha evil


There is some very strange camera stutter happening here on top of the terrible performance, isn't there?


This is just... depressingly bad. I'm depressed...


Pure Cinema!


When you think it can't get any worse this year. This is nuts. Why should anyone want to play this in this state? Just ridiculous. My sincere condolences to Tom for having to play this.


One does not simply reach 30 fps