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Hi everyone, how's your week going? We're starting to prepare for filming DF Direct Weekly #108, with Rich and Alex joined by an as-yet-unannounced team member. We'll be discussing the Unrecord trailer, the ASUS ROG Ally specs leak and any other news topics worthy of our time. Probably not the latest TLOUp1 patch, however.

Are there any topics you'd like us to cover or questions you'd like to pose the team. No holds barred - give us our best shots! We'll be filming tomorrow and as usual, looking to get the Direct to you on Saturday.




What do you think the future holds for 8gb GPUs? If you look at the steam hardware survey there is such an insane number of them out there, but they’ve taken a beating on recent releases even at 1440p. Can SFS and direct storage claw back some bang per gig for future pc games? Or will I be haunted by the specter of my plebeian vram for years to come :(


I just got myself a Miyoo Mini Plus (modern Gameboy for emulation), I am having a blast and was wondering what your favorite games from the 1st to 4th generation (SNES/Mega Drive) consoles are. Do you think any games from before the SNES/1990s can still be fun to play today, or are the graphics too primitive?


TotK looks awesome. It also looks like a game I should've been playing 2-3 years ago. What have you seen from the released footage that has made you go "Oh, wow, I see why this took 6 years to make!"?


With Twitter in shambles and more users fleeing the service every day, don't you think it's time for DF to get some alternative means of communication? Do any of you have Mastodon accounts yet?

Tony Escobar

I’m fascinated by Windows handheld gaming but for retro content. Do you see a future for Windows handheld devices (like AYA) that will employ a seamless front end, similar to Steam OS? I own 3 AYA devices, and they sit on my shelf because the UI is poor. I spend more time fiddling with the devices than gaming. Thank you!


Hi DF team, with the release of path-tracing in Cyberpunk, it looks like a fairly high internal resolution is required to avoid obvious denoising artifacts. Will AI-based denoising allow for better visual results for path-tracing at lower internal resolutions? If so, would you be able to provide a high-level overview of how that would work?


Hey DF-Team, keep up the good work. I dont have time to watch your DF-Direct videos but im listening and enjoying your Podcast (while jogging). Just wanted to let you know that :) I have a question regarding the VRAM requirements for graphics cards (for the future). If you would have asked me six month ago if 8GB of VRAM are sufficient for a grafics card with a resolution of hd to 2k i would have said yes. After the (bad) release of "The Last of Us" and the minimum requirements of "Jedi Survivor" i am not so sure anymore. Now im thinking to upgrade from my 3060ti to the rx6800 (non xt). Raytracing is not so important for me (sry Alex ;)) but i want minium high texture Details for the next 2-3 years. Now the question: ist the future standard for VRAM 12GB or maybe 16GB (in the next 3 years)? What are your thoughts about that? Greets from Munich


Regarding Unrecord, given the history of these kind of reveals ending up being nowhere near the trailers (or straight up scamms), what’s your take on gaming sites reporting on it without any kind of disclaimers about not knowing the veracity of the project/video. To me it honestly feels way too smooth and clean in the animations for it not be something rendered specifically for that video and nowhere near indicative of what a full game would look and animate like.


Just seeing John's excitement for CP2077's new path tracing reminded me of some of the way DF talks about the early days of Crysis, at least in terms of that system-crunching new tech. As someone who loves DF's Crysis coverage more than anything I'm curious if this gets any of you excited for Crysis 4 and what it might bring to the table in terms of tech?


Please investigate this! My friend bought CrossfireX single player campaign "Operation Spectre" for 10$. According to official FAQ: "If you have previously purchased either of the single player campaigns, then you will be able to enjoy and complete them until servers close on May 18" - THIS IS A LIE. It's not possible to redownload the campaign because it was removed from the Microsoft Store (we tried doing this through purchase history and also no dice). So, my friend paid for something that he cannot now access, even tough he is supposed to be able to access it until May 18th as per their own FAQ. This is a travesty! I guess the only reason no one is getting angry about it is that this game flopped, so nobody cares. But I care! Please make some noise because this is gettting us ever closer to a digital dystopia where license owners can just revoke whatever content we paid for (wait, we're already here).


Hi. I am enjoying H burning shores on balance mode right now. Do you have a few words on the dlc? Thank you for your service


Besides Price (since we know that's not going down), what is one thing each from Nvidia, AMD, or Intel that you think they *must* improve for their next generation cards to be a successful product?

tod weitzel

Fetch Audi! There is Bubsy news!!


Apple is reportedly going to unveil their VR/AR headset this year. Among the two million rumors around it is that it will have two 8K screens, one per eye. Another rumor suggests gaming as a priority for the headset. Apple hasn't historically been known for gaming, but could cloud streaming plus this headset make the company into a viable option?


Wouldn't necessarily be for me, but it's an interesting idea!


Hello gents, on the topic of handheld pc gaming, my question is where are the oled screens? I've only seen one on the budget spec aya neo air and it's apparently not a great quality one. Alot of people want one on a premium model and you'd think its even better for battery life. Is there a reason we're not seeing them, or is it only a matter of time?


Hi DF Team! what upcoming VR2 games are you most looking forward to, and when will DF Richard open his VR2?


Hi DF Team! with the surge in creator boxing events, what gaming character would you like to box/fight & why? I would go against Alec Trevelyan from Goldeneye 007 (N64)


Hi DF Team! what is the best way to tackle the gaming publishers and developers with the constant poor games, missing features and loaded with bugs at launch, no other industry gets away with treating it's customers so badly and getting away with it.


Hi there, new DF Patreon supporter, I want Jon to know he also convinced me to get the PSVR 2. I'm enjoying it tremendously as it's my first ever dedicated VR headset. My question is this: what other applications for the VR headset could Sony implement or integrate that you would like to see? I would love to see a dedicated painting/sculpting program that utilizes the new controllers. I'm mildly disappointed that Dreams isn't coming to the headset as it was difficult to do much with the regular controller and I never had gotten the original PSVR.


Would lowering the resolution in the system settings help improve performance in console games? For example if a game struggles to maintain a fixed 30 fps in quality mode, and also struggles to maintain a fixed 60 fps in performance (where the main difference between the modes is resolution), would lowering the resolution in the system settings but leaving it at quality give a more stable 30 fps mode?


With the upcoming release of Xenoblade 3's Future Redeemed story DLC, would you be interested in taking a look at it and how it compares to the base game? Back when xenoblade 2 received it's story dlc, the engine was enhanced significantly over the base game, and its possible the same is true here.


I'm wondering as to what your thoughts are on people still dismissing Raytracing as a gimmick? It's been proven time and time again that it can simply enhance, or even breath new life in to a game, but yet the following are still common quotes: "I can't see the difference", "it looks worse than raster", or my new favorite "it's not the artists original vision".


Would RTX Remix be able to add ray tracing or path tracing to games played on an emulator?


Hello df crew. After playing the ps5 demo of street fighter 6 this morning, i am a bit worried about the RE engine. After a somewhat messy re 4 remake, sf6 (especially the world tour) seems to be a new low fro the engine. Stutters, bad image quality, weird artifacts around characters etc. Has capcom failed to evolve/adapt the engine for next-gen?


Hi Alex! I've been reading, arguing with others in forums and trying to understand why DLSS3 suffers from so much latency when GPU can hit v-sync cap. As a 60 fps non gsync gamer (TV) I can't find my use case with DLSS3. Any solution other than accepting tearing, judder or latency -or purchasing a glorious C2 OLED TV? People tend to praise this tech -which is indeed amazing- without recognising its limitations and it seems everybody is happy with the free performance Frame Gen provides. Am I the only one struggling with it? Cheers DF people. As always, thank you for your work.


Comments on social media are not representative of the spectrum of opinions communities have in real life. I just showed Cyberpunk Overdrive to a room full of totally non technical people (some not even gamers) literally last night and all involved said it was the best looking graphics they'd ever seen in a game hands down.


I would agree. A few of my friends who could care less about graphics see benefits of not only just pathtracing in cyberpunk, but raytracing in general. However, it seems like social media has it out for this new technology even when it's added in a free update subtracting nothing from the default experience.


Hi DF Team, Have any of you seen the water visualisation in Elex 2? Especially the visualisation of rivers/flowing water. The surface effects even take obstacles and curves into account correctly. The most convincing thing I've seen so far.


id get the c3, it is much brighter with better color and better support for gaming