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A big week for news as the first phase of Sony's PlayStation VR2 embargo decloaks, meaning we can take the hardware out of its box and offer first impressions on the headset and controllers! Meanwhile. the latest Nintendo Direct turns out to be a bit of a banger - Pikmin 4 takes centrestage, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom gets a new trailer and the brilliant Metroid Prime Remastered gets a surprise 'shadow drop'. Also: why are PC VRAM requirements becoming so bloated?

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DF Direct Weekly #98: PSVR2 Unboxed, Nintendo Direct Reaction, Metroid Prime Shadow Drop!

A big week for news as the first phase of Sony's PlayStation VR2 embargo decloaks, meaning we can take the hardware out of its box and offer first impressions on the headset and controllers! Meanwhile. the latest Nintendo Direct turns out to be a bit of a banger - Pikmin 4 takes centrestage, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom gets a new trailer and the brilliant Metroid Prime Remastered gets a surprise 'shadow drop'. Also: why are PC VRAM requirements becoming so bloated? Join the DF Supporter Program for pristine video downloads, behind the scenes content, early access to DF Retro, early access to DF Direct Weekly and much, much more: https://bit.ly/3jEGjvx Subscribe for more Digital Foundry: http://bit.ly/DFSubscribe Want some DF-branded tee-shirts, mugs, hoodies or pullovers? Check out our store: https://bit.ly/2BqRTt0 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:07 News 01: PS VR2 hands-on impressions! 00:14:25 News 02: Nintendo Direct reactions: Pikmin, Zelda, Metroid Prime 00:41:46 News 03: Hogwarts Legacy coverage plans 00:45:57 DF Supporter Q1: Avatar 2 mixes 24fps and 48fps footage - is this a good idea? 00:50:37 DF Supporter Q2: What can we expect in terms of timing for a Switch successor? 00:55:08 DF Supporter Q3/4: CPU performance is bottlenecking modern games - can developers work around this? Plus, ninth-gen games haven’t shown the expected bump in simulation complexity, so are the additional CPU resources just going towards draw calls and RT? 01:02:58 DF Supporter Q5: Will PC VRAM requirements continue to steeply increase throughout this generation, or is this a short-term phenomenon? 01:09:25 DF Supporter Q6: Why don’t console games support 50Hz output, given that nearly all TVs support it?



next week you guys need to talk about the release of the PS5 back and how the guy disclosed it to Sony a year ago, they never patched it and it has released it into the wild... https://twitter.com/_mccaulay/status/1617947072375971841?t=EXbxrYigrGEsm8AMUE1X6g&s=19


When are you guys tackling Hogwarts Legacy? The PC version has a bunch of mostly unimpressive RT and all sorts of CPU related performance issues (but it does at least have DLSS 3), and the console versions are stuffed full of performance/quality modes.


I watched Avatar 2 in 4DX and had a great time. John is deeply wrong when he said that he suspects it would be better in 24 fps, as that would have made it much more tiring. 24 fps is already slightly tiring, but 24 fps in 3D is way more tiring. 48 fps in 3D is way better.

André Scheffler

I wonder why Sony is not trying to get the Hype Train running for the PlayStation VR2 - it made me cancel my preorder.


Rich did answer this question and I am glad to hear that DF will not engage in the current toxicity around the game. He also made the point that reviewing a game is not the same thing as endorsing the person behind it. Personally i would like to add: and neither is buying the game or simply playing it. The only thing that i found disappointing is their apparent decision to effectively “shadow ban” (not talk about) the game prior to launch. I personally do no longer hold out for a review from DF at this point but will watch it with interest should this still happen. Rich must manoeuvre the unenviable situation of doing the right thing for a divided audience and perhaps also a divided team at DF. My advice for them is to let the situation blow over - it always does. The outrage-happy folks (on either side) will move on soon enough. There will eventually be versions for the last-generation consoles and for the Switch. I would be surprised if anyone even raises an eyebrow when these land in a couple of months.


How bizarre. The game is by all accounts selling very well and it's reviewed very well too, it will most likely end up being one of the best games of the year. And there's a load of interesting tech in there to discuss. What have the devs at Avalanche done to deserve this treatment? They've been working on this for 6 years, I can only imagine how disappointed and annoyed they must be to see their efforts ignored just to avoid arousing the anger of a few. The whole thing just strikes me as surreal. Here is a huge budget AAA game based on one of the biggest IP in movies and books and it's as if it never existed.


I saw Avatar 2 twice, once in my local imax theater, a xeon theater so no HFR, and again in a dolby theater, with all the goodies. I have to say that I honestly agree with John. While the 48 scenes were very nice and I agree with you sentiment that 48 3D is great, it was the switching that was an issue for me. The constant switching between 24 and 48 became even more tiring and jarring than just watching at 24. Every time there was a switch I was taken out of the action and at a certain point all I could notice was the switching. I even leaned over to my movie companion at a certain point to joke "were is my controller I need to optimize my setting these performance drops are atrocious." When watching at a locked frame rate (in this case 24) I was able to just disconnect and fully emerge myself into this wonderful film. A locked 48 would probably have probably been better but the VFR was not to my taste at all. Though obviously everyone else's milage may vary!

Dennis Martin Herbers

I saw Avatar 2 in 48fps this week and the change between 24/48 was terrible, but my non-gamer family apparently didn't notice/weren't bothered by it. The reason they did this is because they noticed 48fps in camera pans prevents people from feeling ill in 3D, similar to why a high framerate in VR is important. But personally, I would have prefered a stable framerate for sure. As for the movie: the story is forgettable and it could have easily cut out 60 minutes or so, but I went to see a VFX techdemo and that is what I got.


shooting yourself in the foot just to spite the creator? that's no way to live but you do you i guess.


DF only got the game key yesterday, it takes a lot of work for these videos to get made, so we can expect the videos mid to end of next week. Nothing they can do about that.


450,000+ Steam users have had their keys since Tuesday so it would be pretty strange for press to have had to wait until Friday.


He addressed that in the video: the publisher wanted them to wait for the day-one patch.


I also hope to see a video on Hogwarts Legacy, it seems like a good fit for DF (PS5/Xbox Series X have 5 performance modes and a toggle for unlocking frame rate. Maybe it’s just me, but analysis of the game’s performance and technology is pretty far removed from the ethics of buying/playing the game. I think DF should do whatever they would’ve done had there been no controversy. But, I’m just one person and I respect that not everyone feels this way.


Blame the publisher. They chose to go the split release route and offer some gamers a lesser experience several days early without the day 1 patch and hold back code from reviewers who didn't buy a copy until Friday.


I’m glad to hear you are going to cover Hogwarts Legacy. Your approach and decision is correct. The developers have created something very special and to simply dismiss it would be a great shame. I would also add that I do worry that the handling of this wider issue by the games industry has not been great. It is all too easy to distill this debate into good vs bad, glib one liner. While we should absolutely forward LGBTQ+ rights - there must always be space for healthy debate and discussion. To delete or dismiss differing views by over simplifying what is a complex debate is also an unhealthy path. It is the coming together of differing views that moves us forward.


I’m hoping for a Metroid Prime Remastered review. I’d love to see the comparisons between different versions, and if the new remaster holds 60 fps at all times.


I am very proud and supportive of how you are handling the Hogwarts Legacy situation. Rich put it very well in this video. The fact that you are still catching flak about it not just on social media but here in the Patreon comments, from supposed supporters who couldn't even be bothered to watch the video before complaining, is frustrating and disappointing but completely validates your approach. The toxicity has become so overwhelming indeed, I don't envy you. I hope you realise, that as always, the silent majority is just supportive of your great work and you can drown out the noise.


Rich addresses this issue very well and comprehensively in the video, I think it would be courteous to at least watch before complaining about it or doubting their motives. They did not get a key in advance, that's at the publisher's discretion, I don't know why your frustration should be directed at DF.


Agree. People are so quick to anger over this, for no reason from DF's side.

Mr Bespoke

I see John has changed background.


They are all actual screenshots from the video. Oliver is just remarkably good at selecting them!


I saw the video, and the answer a guy gave to another one asking for DF coverage. My thought was; I will wait and see, IF DF bends the knee to that woke nonsense, that is completely disrespect, I would cancel my Patreon. I’m tired of woke people shitting on games, either by saying stupid things “out battlefield” or trying to block cancel anyone that think differently from them. Besides John nonsensical tweets, he later apologized but still stupid reaction, im happy they have covered the game.


Issue? What issue? The of issue man on woman sports? Or the issue is disagreeing that man should compete against woman on sports? Stfu