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Hi everyone, how are you doing? It's Rich here. We're approaching spent here, but we're powering through regardless! 

Alex has now departed on vacation having put everything into The Witcher 3 on PC, while Tom is one Series S Witcher video away from also leaving for the year. John's currently working on his GOTY video while I'm still experimenting with Fortnite on Steam Deck... where it turns out that software Lumen doesn't seem to be working (see above vs Series S). But hardware RT Lumen does! A fairly simple project suddenly got a whole lot more complex but it's fun to abuse the Deck in ways that never seemed possible.

We're looking to produce one more DF Direct Weekly this year, assuming we can find the time and energy to do it. Tentatively, it'll be myself, John and Oliver at the mics. No real topics are decided as of yet, it may well be a lookback at 2022. With that in mind, let's be having your questions!




Hi DF Was just curious as to the technical requirements for implementing/injecting per object motion blur into new/old games. The improvements to motion fluidity are truely transformative and yet it rarely seems to be implemented in many modern releases. No doubt the process is extremely expensive in regards to rendering load, but I would argue that it's worth prioritizing over many other expensive post process effects. Is the issue solely on optomizing for performance or is it a much more complicated feature to implement then one might initially presume? Absoutly love the idea of injecting per object motion blur into older games through RTX Remix. Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas. Looking forward to content in 2023


What do you make of what has come to seem like outright animosity towards RT features in games, while “true ultra” settings I.e. crysis in 2007 are often lauded for pushing boundaries? Why is RT so controversial in the minds of YouTube and Twitter commenters? I’ve seen John have these conversations on Twitter and would love to hear his take. Hope all on the DF team have a lovely holidays!


What is team DF most thankful for this year?


Two years on, do you think we’ve seen the best from the next gen consoles (PS5 & XSX)? Will we see better performance, graphical fidelity etc. in general?


Does reviewing the technical performance and graphical quality of some games inhibit your ability to immerse yourself and enjoy the game?


What area in gaming do you think improved most in 2022 and what do you hope improves the most in 2023?

Right, what's all this then

With ray tracing's enabling of that old phrase, "real time all the time", and more powerful CPUs in consoles, could this generation - once it fully starts - be a mini revolution in interactive environments, like destruction, moving parts, or even fluid simulation?


There's been a lot of talk lately on single-threaded vs multi-threaded performance, most recently with the Witcher 3's RT mode. While multi-threaded seems like the obvious choice for performance reasons, why do developers continue to use single-threading? Is it in the engine? The implementation of the RT? Or something else?


I know of the general dislike that DF has of 7th gen console gaming because of the performance issues brought on by going for graphics over framerate. This brings me to a question: Do you not believe that playing 7th gen games today is a much better experience because of the choices made back then? You can now play those games on PC or XBOX BC mode in high res, 60+ FPS and they look great on a modern screen. Another way to look at it; imagine if GTA5 had GTA3's graphics but used the PS360's extra power to reach 60 FPS. Would that have been preferable to the GTA5 we got; ran horribly on 7th gen, but looked good, and scales well to this day?


What are some games that you wish you could play again for the first time with zero knowledge or memories?


Seeing portal rtx running on older GPUs made me wonder about path tracing on current gen consoles. Do you guys think the market is ready for a 1080p30 (upscaled from 540p) PS5 game? And would path even be possible to scale down to Series S with switch impossible port style image quality (maybe at 360p AI upscaled to 720p)?


As many new games with ray tracing enabled are only running at 30 fps on top-end consoles, maybe 40 if we're lucky, do you think the eventual mid-gen refresh will finally allow console gamers to play at a locked 60 fps in Quality mode? Maybe even a Performance RT at 120 in some games?