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We're continuing to post all of our Digital Foundry video content to http://www.digitalfoundry.net - and there've been some meaty updates recently, all presented in pristine 4K resolution at 60fps. Final Fantasy 15, Watch Dogs 2, Ratchet and Clank are joined by John's latest epic - an in-depth analysis of Uncharted 4 on PS4 Pro. 

More content is in the pipeline so we'll keep you updated (how about some Pro Overwatch and maybe some inFamous too?) but in the here and now, we're confident that digitalfoundry.net offers the only way to represent the leap in resolution offered by 4K gaming. PS4 Pro's launch is obviously the focus right now, but you can be sure that we'll be moving on to Project Scorpio as soon as Microsoft breaks cover, while we also remain committed to ultra HD PC media too. Many thanks for your support!



Hello, for the past week download speeds have been incredibly slow or stop due to errors. This happens across Chrome, Firefox and Safari as well as two different networks. It appears many people are having similar issues. Please responde.


Let me ask about that!


You mention on Twitter H265 encodes, any ideas when we are likely to see these? Would be awesome to be able to play on my LG OLED!


Really curious as I have not been able to watch any of the downloaded content so far. Looking through a few comments on here it seems that LG OLED tv's are not compatible with h264 60fps content. I tried re-encoding on my own but don't have vast knowledge doing so and it didn't seem to be very good after the conversion. Most people are not going to even bother if it doesn't work right away on their television so if you guys can get this fixed soon a lot of us would really appreciate it.


Same here. Was looking forward to watching the downloads on my 4k tv (Samsung UE40JU6400K 2015 model) but no joy so far. 😢

Kravenar Games

Samsung UE4XXXX are pretty buggy, try to upgrade firmware checking for updates with developer User\Pass credentials (u can find them GOOGLING)