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It's that time again! We're preparing ourselves for DF Direct Weekly #78 and in a week dominated by the Tokyo Games Show and its associated announcements, we'll be talking about PSVR2, the PlayStation State of Play, the Nintendo Direct and more. Eurogamer's Ian Higton - who has been hands-on with PSVR2 - will also be guesting too, sharing his experiences with the kit.

But, of course, we need your questions - so let's be having them! It's likely to be an extended episode this week!

On another note entirely, are any of our supporters working in UK games retail? We're on the look-out for arrival of CFI-1200 PlayStation 5 and would rather not have to use a scalping service this time around to buy one! If you can help, please contact info [at] digitalfoundry.org. Thanks!



Hello DF superstars, the new God of War trailer looks decent but something about it screams to me last gen. I can’t quite put my finger on it. If you agree, can you provide some insight on why the game doesn’t look impressive by today’s standards?


With the PSVR2's high target of 2000x2040 per eye, will the PS5 be able to crank out those numbers without compromising other aspects of a game's fidelity? I mean, we don't see many PS5 games that do 4k above 30 so I'm curious what tricks will be used to keep performance in check. What is first to go: frame rates, geometry, post processing, or other fun things? Is foveated rendering going to be able to save the day here? Regardless, I am excited by the product. Thanks gents, cheers!


Is 2028 the last time Microsoft and Sony release consoles with games performed locally on the machines? Thinking of the end of process node shrinks and fast enough internet to stream subscription game services. Where can manufacturers get tangible performance from once the process shrink limit is hit without just adding more silicon and once the architecture is finally optimized to the size of the chip?


Doesn't eye tracking in PSVR 2 help significantly with that? As your eyes move to focus on different parts of the screen, it automatically reduces fidelity on the parts you are not looking at. So full resolution where you look and 1/4 or 1/16 resolution where you aren't.


Isn't too bad if we get 60fps on the current gen systems, if it stumbles at 60fps at that fidelity I would be disappointed.


Right! Just curious how much performance that can give back. Does it also cull geometry? FR has the potential to be super cool-tech


Curious what the team thinks of the reports that Assassin's Creed is going to be stripping much of the modern day lore elements from the games? I know they weren't always done well, but this feels like it's removing some of what made the series unique.


With the constant push towards realism we will get less variation between how games look, because in reality, light works in one particular way, no interpretation. So for games to be more 'realistic' they have to move towards the single point of truth, reality. How disappointing as I play games to escape reality for a bit. In the 19th century when photography was invented artists moved from from realistic paintings to Impressionism, Surrealism, Expressionism, and other styles. How do the members of DF, a channel that focuses on game tech, feel about the homogenization of visuals in games and that artistic style is not being analyzed.

sj33 (Jake)

What do you guys think of the upcoming Logitech G streaming handheld? I share all John's dislikes and worries regarding both streaming and subscriptions. The handheld looks like a potentially decent use case, however. Paired with GeForce Now, you could stream your PC library in bed or at work without worrying about hardware limitations like with the Steam Deck. The requirement for a constant internet connection means it would have to be significantly cheaper than the Deck to make sense, though.


One for John and Audi I guess, how do you feel about artificial scanlines, either in software (like on an emulator or a MiSTer), or those little external scanline generators? Mostly these seem to do the same thing essentially, and it doesn’t look quite right. (My use case is retro console/arcade games on a higher scanrate screen, late pc CRT from ‘04.)


I don't know but it would be good to know. I guess you wouldn't want anything that couldn't be scaled quickly, so moving your eyes around fairly quickly ideally shouldn't show pop in and switching between different objects such as high and low poly models would consume more RAM. Perhaps resolution is enough, but I an only guessing and I want to find out more information on it.


Let's try again, when you play a game in 30 fps, why would 4k really matter (unless you go all in for foto mode) 30 fps really doesn't do 4k justice unless you can fully appreciate them graphics in 60 fps. Would it not be always better to optimise the game for 60? What's your take on this?


Hey team, With the latest Nintendo Direct, we learned that Tales of Symphonia Remastered will be released early 2023 on Switch (and Xbox One/PS4). By the looks of it, it looks like, again another iteration of the PS3 version, itself being based on the ps2 version. (it's like a curse) Anyway, now that hdmi adapters based on the gcvideo project are available for the NGC, could it be added in a potential wide comparison if someone in the team decide to tackle the remastered version in the future ? From the firsts screenshot in bandai-namco's website of the game, I can see some stuffs already broken, so it doesn't look promising. And being stupid myself, I'll probably buy it again.


If I want to play a PC game at 30fps, any reason to use the half refresh rate cap at 60hz over 30hz mode? I see you guys talking about bad frame caps, double-image, but never saw a recommendation to play at 30hz, why is that?

Daniel M

As another person mentioned, it seems that many developers such as Capcom are going to continue releasing games on PS4 while dropping support for Xbox One. Do you think this is down to the PS4 simply having a higher install base, or do you think it has something to do the difficulty that many modern games have with running on the base Xbox One?


I’ve switched to a dumb phone recently and it made me think - there’s probably a lot of #content you could get out of looking at classic phone conversions of popular properties. Ever consider this? There was a massive boom pre iPhone of java based games that I find fascinating for some reason.