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Hi everyone, the Digital Foundry #content meeting is now complete, meaning that we can share our plans with you for the week! Present were Rich (ie me), John, Will, Alex, Tom and Oliver. Thankfully the extended lull in the games business is slowly coming to an end, and a couple of more exciting things are embargoed for next week but for now, here's what's cooking.

* Tom is indeed working on two of those embargoed things, so expect no Tom this week but a double Morgan effect next.

* Oliver has just completed his work on the Mario Kart 8 extra courses and this one should hopefully be hitting early access for Premium and Retro supporters later today. Beyond that, how about a look at Switch's blurriest games? Sounds a bit incendiary but there are some good stories here!

* John should be finishing the next major DF Retro episode this week, based on the Klonoa series. This one will be exclusive to Retro tier supporters until some time closer to the release of the following episode (which is shaping up to be a big one). We're also looking at ways to use the extended interview we have with the legendary Randy Linden (available now to Retro supporters) into more bite-sized content for the general audience.

* Alex, I think, is still covering from the trauma of the Spider-Man Remastered review, as detailed in this week's DF Direct Weekly. He has some vacation booked from mid this week onwards, so how about a nice PC Time Capsule video for the weekend? Spider-Man image reconstruction is on the cards upon his return.

* Rich (ie me) gets to continue the Spider-Man legacy this week, with a look at the game scaling not up - but down. The game runs nicely on Steam Deck (Premium/Retro supoprters have already seen some assets) but I was quite amazed to find that the game played relatively nicely on tweaked medium settings on the far less capable AyaNeo Air (above). I've decided to add that to the coverage. Oh, and how about some general GPU and possibly even CPU analysis on the same game? Hopefully I'll find the time to do that in a separate video.

* Will is working full-time now on the relaunch of digitalfoundry.net. Yes, we wanted to deploy it last week but the truth is, it just wasn't ready. Thanks to some hardcore work from the ReedPop tech team working in tandem with Will, we should finally have this ready this week. 

Is there anything you really want us to take a look at that you think we've missed? Let us know 'in the comments below' but in the meantime, have a great week!




I'd love to see that Steam Deck SD card comparison. Is that still on the to do list?


I would like to hear some extended thoughts on the Aya Neo Air in possibly the DF Weekly. Best of luck this week gents.


Steam Deck Content is always a good idea. Whats with the relaunch of the website?? Are there new Features for patreon user?


When's the interview Alex did with Nixxes coming? I'm super interested to read about that.


With the launch of the new website, will there be an attempt at launching Wiki officially as part of one of the sections for the website? Maybe we can start by just exporting the transcriptions from DF videos on weekly basis and letting the search cloud take care of itself from there. Could act as a proper data bank for information from videos.


Excited for the new site! Been a long time coming! 🙂


I'll see about installing some more games, not just Spider-Man. Do you have any titles in mind?


Later this week - yeah, essentially it'll give you much easier visibility on all the content we've built up, it'll plumb in directly to your tier, plus there are a lot more quality of life features people were asking for - RSS feeds etc.


Yeah, we just need to find time to wade through transcribing that one and editing it. It should happen this week!


By Wiki I meant a database of all the useful information that comes from DF videos. E.g. If somebody is looking for something specific, that may have been covered by a video or one of the questions that may have been answered. In current scenario its very hard to find that information unless the search term was included in the Video title. If we had a Wiki section/page that included transcriptions of the videos and linked the video as well. Not only it would be easier to find that information from the past, anybody interested and allowed can go in and add references or updates to that information. It doesn't need to be managed completely. It just need to start somewhere in official capacity.


I don't know about a wiki, but it'd be great to have a list of all recommended/optimized settings for all games you covered and prepared such settings for.