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Hey everyone, Rich here, fully back in action this week. The image above? Well, that'll be a shot of Dogital Foundry's vacation - and why not? Plenty going on this week as per usual, so let's get straight into it.

* Rich (ie me) is putting together a video on the PlayStation 5's new beta firmware featuring 1440p support. So what exactly happens when a game with an internal 1440p resolution runs on the PS5? It's complicated! All told though, this is a welcome new feature!

* John is working on a quick video on Bright Memory Infinite - a curious title in that it's only supported for current-gen consoles and PCs. And yet... there's a Switch port too, so how does that stack up? Work is also in progress on not one, but two new DF Retro major episodes, thanks to some collaboration work! More on that soon.

* Tom is a pretty big Super Smash Bros fan, so he's working on MultiVersus which should be ready pretty soon. Beyond that? Switch SD card tests, assuming we can get the methodology sorted - SteamOS copy functionality is a bit of a pain.

* Alex is working on embargoed content. Can't talk about this one, but suffice to say, you're going to like it.

* Oliver is polishing up his piece on the Apple M1 Ultra and M1 Max, stacking it up against PC parts in the limited array of games available that support Apple Silicon. Also expect some benchmarks! 

* Will is benchmarking the Intel A380 and we'll be looking to run both text and video content on that one. 

We're also looking to beef up Retro content in the short to medium term with some new PC Time Capsule videos, plus Rich will be joining John to talk about the good old days of games journalism in a Retro Q+A special!

New releases are thin on the ground, of course, but we are considering a look at the Edith Finch upgrade for Xbox Series and PlayStation 5, plus Industria - which we quite liked on PC - is also available on consoles now. As always though, if you think we should be looking at something, do let us know 'in the comments below'. 



Dirk Hoderin

One for DF Weekly, but there's been some pretty credible rumours courtesy of MLID that Intel are having massive problems getting Arc to work, and that internally, they're considering pulling the plug. It's still rumours at this point, of course, but it's a pretty big story and it'd be interesting to hear DF's take. Please also tell Doggital Foundry he's a good boy for me.


OK, so Intel are still talking to us about Arc as of last week, so make of that what you will.

Christoph Zürcher

Thanks for the update, so much great stuff to look forward to!


Perhaps one for the back burner on DF retro. A comprehensive documentary on the short life of the Dreamcast? Not seen anything long form covering that topic in a well detailed manner. Also, maybe take a look at Wolfenstein 2009? The game seems to have faded into obscurity, but given the nature of the acquisition of Activision by MS some coverage could bring the game to light again?


I'd be curious to know whether I'd get any noticeable input latency decrease from my monitor no longer having to downscale the PS5 output from 4k to 1440p.


Good question, but will depend on the characteristics of the individual monitor. It's safe to assume that the firmware itself will have zero latency in downscaling the output.


Is Audi working on the new DF Retro episodes with John?


There's no way a lower output resolution can decrease input latency, but many 1440P especially gaming monitors have better input latency than 4K TV or monitors, so for the end user the input lag is indeed lower.


Not on the two upcoming projects, no. Audi's a bit tied up with his Limited Run Games commitments right now but fingers crossed he'll be back soon.