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It's that time folks, the time when we ask you dear patrons to provide us with the most head scratching, soul searching questions for us to answer on this week's DF Direct Weekly! Add your question to the comments field below, and we'll make our way through as many as we can.



I've been fiddling/tinkering quite a bit with Onimusha 3 PC since the start of the month. Gosh, what an awkward port. It needs Direct-input mapper to rebind keyboard/mouse and controller, it's not available on Windows 10/11. Well not that terrible, in comparison of the first port of Resident Evil 4 on PC, but still. Capcom went a long way since then. What's your take on this evolution ? Can we consider Capcom as, if not the best, the most exemplary Japanese publisher/developer on the platform ? At least, I'd like to acknowledge the amount of work they seem to put on their recent PC ports. Maybe it's RE Engine magic, who knows. (Let's forget Denuvo for a minute) Maybe it's related to the fact that Windows wasn't as video game friendly as today if it wasn't a 100% PC game from the bones. The kind of cause-and-effect relationship that led to terrible ports in the beginning of the century.

The Wooniest Woona

I've recently been going back and picking up some last gen physical games, and it got me wondering about patched versions of games. Do publishers update the versions of their games on physical discs for later print runs, because if so it seems like getting as late as possible of a print is the best bet for buying these games. I don't like "greatest hits" versions of boxes, but I'd gladly put up with that if it meant the game was patched on the disc.


Knack PC port wen? Seriously though what titles from Sony’s back catalog would you like to see ported to PC that have not already been announced?


A recent TCL press conference shared the possible specs for "upgraded" versions of Xbox and Playstation consoles coming in 2023/24, any comments/opinions on this guys?


Talking about PAL PS1 games on PS5, is VRR enough to make it a non-issue on compatible displays?


As a hypothetical, what would AAA games look like if everyone had a high-end PC? What differences in graphics/design do you think we’d see?


Do you guys think a PS5 Pro or an Xbox Series S/X V2, will come to this gen? Like isn't the consoles right now powerful enough that they can last the 6 or 8 years of the generation without problem? Or do you think a refresh is imminent, personally I prefer that they make a Slim version in 6nm and then for the next-gen go for a 4nm or 3nm, that could save a lot in cost because by that time graphics card and CPU's will be on 2nm or 20A like Intel naming.


Hi DF, with all these rumors about the PS5, and Xbox Series S/X refreshes, do you think a game console has to be on the latest node each generation? Do you think the PS5 and Series X would be the same as good being in 10nm TSMC? Also, do you guys think that the refreshes have to be on 5nm or 4nm in order to be good?


Will Knack 3’s inevitable announcement (or release) coincide with a PS5 firmware update to enable it’s promised 8K output? Surely Cerny will not limit his own game to a mere 4K?


The Series S looks pretty woeful on my 4k T.V. on the other hand I have a Sony Trinitron (480i) that accepts AV input. Would it be worth it to purchase a converter, or would it scale poorly an introduce artifacts to display it on the CRT?


Will you test PS3 games on PS+ Cloud, PS3 FAT and emulators running on different types of hardware?


Question probably for Alex: with all the advancements in ARM cpus lately (currently on the apple side, but surely there’ll be some comparable windows tech before long) do you see that architecture overtaking x86 in future pc games and beyond that, the next generation of consoles? It seems to me that the increased power efficiency leaves lots of extra room for adding things like RT acceleration. Could these new ARM cpus, drawing more power with similar efficiency, be the solution the industry needs to the high costs of unreal engine 5?