Coming This Week on Digital Foundry (Week 18, 2022) (Patreon)
Hi folks, it's Will here! Rich is away this week, so I'm filling in*. Fresh off of our weekly content meeting, here's what we're all working on for this week!
* John has finished off the much-requested PS5 VRR analysis, together with Alex, which should be arriving on the channel later today. For the week ahead, he's testing out Switch Sports (and trying not to smash up his TV with an errant Joy-Con).
* Alex's Chernobylite analysis is also coming soon, with early access expected by tomorrow. For this week, he's taking a closer look at the recent Steam Deck 40-60Hz update following our first impressions on the last DF Direct.
* Tom is comparing PC to the PS5 in terms of latency and image quality - do falling GPU prices mean that PC can now compete in terms of value?
* Oliver is taking a fresh look at GTA DE - after a few major patches, is the remaster up to the level of quality we'd expect? Oliver's also set to appear on the Direct for the first time this week, which we're all very excited about - and he'll have the power of the edit too.
* Will (it me!) is learning how much Rich does on a daily basis... and publishing some DDR5 testing and our (well-late) RTX 3090 Ti review.
* Audi is still away and hopefully having a lovely time.
Is there anything we've missed that you'd like us to cover? Anything that you're particularly excited by that we have mentioned? Let us know in the comments, and we wish you a fantastic week!
(*I wasn't sure what to put as a thumbnail on this post, so I've gone with a cute cat I used to foster. His name is Panda.)