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Hello - Rich here, slowly piecing together my piece on Elden Ring on Steam Deck and whether/how Valve has optimised PC performance. Part of this project involves comparing the settings I ended up settling on with the PS4 version and perhaps not surprisingly, they are quite close - medium preset, high textures, high anti-aliasing and low shader quality (we're still not sure if the shader quality actually does anything). 

A few interesting points here: Firstly, I'm using Valve's system-level 30fps cap on the Deck and it's obviously more stable than From's now-notorious 30fps frame-pacing presentation. Secondly, dragon fire can cause GPU-related performance drops and in the last two clips, it is interesting to compare them. And finally, CPU-related issues appear to kick in when there are many entities on-screen - as you'll see in the second clip. Also note that the physics update on destructible objects when the dragon obliterates them is very low - pretty much the same on both systems.

There seems to be a dynamic element to Elden Ring's rendering systems, which explains the motion blur turning off and on in the current-gen consoles' performance modes. We've got a very interesting 'side project' video on Elden Ring coming up where we hammered this point down - turns out that running Xbox One X code on Series X throws up all manner of surprises. Look out for that one soon!

Downloads: https://www.digitalfoundry.net/2022-03-03-elden-ring-steam-deck-vs-ps4-performance-analysis


Elden Ring: Steam Deck vs PS4 Performance Analysis

Elden Ring is running at 800p on Steam Deck, based on medium settings. Textures and anti-aliasing are increased to high quality, shader quality on low (as it does not seem to do anything). Steam Deck's system-level 30fps cap is in place. Shadow quality appears to be dynamic, which may extend to other systems too. Thank you for backing the Digital Foundry Supporter Program.



Looks promising indeed


Great work!