Early Access to DF Direct Weekly #42 is Now Available (Patreon)
Update: Tom had audio issues this week, as you've likely discovered. We've made another pass on this Direct to make it sound less like he's being piped through a transistor radio via a public toilet. Links and embed above, along with the Acast RSS feed should now be updated.
Hello everyone, Rich here with the final, brand new DF Direct Weekly of 2021! Unfortunately, I was driving to Brighton at the time when this one was recorded so I couldn't participate, which I'm a bit bummed about since it looks like there's a good line-up of discussion points. But hey, I get to go in and appreciate this one as part of the audience!
If I don't get the chance to do so again, thanks for much for your support this year. And what's been so illuminating for me has been the concept that support isn't just about Patreon funds, it's been about the community we've built and the actual opportunities we've had to improve what we do BECAUSE of this community. We've achieved so much and I thank each and every one of you for it!
Before I sign off, just a quick word on Patreon supporter RSS feed access for early access to DF Direct Weekly in podcast format: please ignore any links within Patreon itself, access this link, provide your Patreon credentials and you should be good to go: https://open.acast.com/public/patreon/fanSubscribe/593963