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Hello there, supporters. Uuuuh, interesting week on the channel huh? But the show must go on, especially for all of you loyal fans and patrons so we will be recording a DF Direct Weekly with the latest news and hopefully some good news about the state of the channel once we get to recording. We're certain many of you want to ask about what happened, why and how, but we'll try to address that so leave a question below to help spice up the Q&A portion with other fun talks and topics!



Xbox Fridge DF analysis WEN


Marmite, yes or no?

The Dressing Gown

Which generation do you think had the most under rated/under appreciated games, and what are some of your favourite under rated/under appreciated games from said generation?


Well first off: How are you all doing? I imagine this thing takes a toll, and in that regard: what are games you guys like to play to put your mind off of stuff like this?


A question for any of the olds: Are there any cases where you prefer to play a 50fps pal game over it's 60fps ntsc counterpart on the basis of the higher resolution? For 25 VS 30 fps I think the decision is easier, but 50 still feels good in my experience, and 288p VS 240p or 576i VS 480i is quite a few more pixels. Do you ever prefer the clarity?


You guys are great and thanks for all the great content. I have only just recovered from the "This channel has been removed" YouTube notification. This lead me to think if you guys have any other passions you work on as hobbies like model making or anything like that? Im a lego fan myself. LOVE X


John mentioned he liked the wide color space on his switch OLED. Is using “wide” color space (instead of the more accurate “auto”) also a good strategy for docked in an OLED TV? I was thinking it might be a good way to fake Xbox’s “auto-HDR” for non-HDR games on PS5 aswell. On a related topic, do you use blue screen filters for color calibration on OLED TVs?


Nearly a year in, what do you think of the Series S experiment? Considering situations like Tom's findings in Guardians of the Galaxy, and even FH5 where the One X can be better visually than its newer sibling? Has the Series S picked up where the One X laid down?


Did John ever publish a LG C1 guide on how he uses BFI?


What is (or was, in case it's back when you get to recording the episode) your plan if you are unable to get the old channel back?


i believe he has a LG CX... but yeah i would also be interested in a video where John goes a bit more in-depth about his preferred LG CX Settings. Especially about BFI and for what games does he really recommend using it :)

Karl Ruben Weseth

Do you have anyone on the team who's used the Cronus Zen? I'm looking to buy one in order to use current-gen controllers with my 360 and PS3, but since it's a device that also has cheat functionality used by FPS PVP mavens, any reviews/testimonials pertaining to my particular use case seem to be drowned out by the, er, 1337 crowd.


Does the team perceive ARM architecture as a viable option for future console generations given Apple's commitment to the technology is starting to deliver some impressive performance? Understandably, it isn't well support, especially when we consider the Window''s environment but surely, it's potential and green credentials could change this.


Why do so many high refresh monitors use 144hz? It doesn't seem to devide to any common refresh rate


DVI topped out at 1080/144, and monitors today play to that legacy, even if it has no actual bearing these days


When can we expect a technical analysis on the masterpiece that is My Friend Peppa Pig for the PlayStation 4?


With the legendary games master returning to Uk TV this year, I think surely Mr Leadbetter is the new head we all deserve? Love your content and hopefully things will be back to normal soon.


Not sure if this has already been asked, but what game would you love to see retrofitted with ray-tracing tech? Or relatedly, what game do you think could benefit from it the most? Have just been playing through Yakuza 7 and was thinking that RT reflections, an RT GI or AO pass and RT area lighting could make things really pop - shop fronts, glass covered buildings, the rivers, the night time neon, daytime shadowing and light bouncing. The list goes on:)


Any thoughts on Microsofts complete neglect to repair the compatability of 12th gen intel with games on windows 10 due to Donuvo? They've said it won't be patched until next year and it seems like we are being forced to adopt the new platform.


Favorite bagel?


This generation is really spoiling console owners for 60 FPS, but someone like myself just loves 4k & all the extra visual greatness that may come with a "quality" mode so I always try that first. I usually end up going w/ performance mode because many 30FPS games look extremely juddery on a large display - but then (!) a game like Guardians of the Galaxy comes along, and the 30 FPS mode looks great in motion with beautiful transitions between frames. What is making that magic happen for me or why is it an elusive effect for developers to pull off? FF7R & Control UE look like bad flip books in comparison even though they have good frame pacing w/ a basically perfect lock at 30. Appreciate the insight, DF :)


Three part question here, maybe each of you answers one. First, game streaming came up on the last Direct and that reminded me that many have complained that Google is not the best in terms of customer support. How has your experience been with the company? Second, Elon Musk made news again recently when he tweeted about selling some of his Tesla stock and then didn't seem to enjoy the response. Some think Musk is a genius, others find that he is an inspiration point for malicious hackers. Any thoughts on this? Finally, Space X seems to have a zealous fanbase that take any opportunity to spread their enthusiasm about the company. Do you feel that sometimes they go too far?


I'd like to hear your thoughts on the long term viability of using original hardware, typically the best option for compatibility and accuracy, for retro gaming. I believe as time goes on, hardware (consoles, CRT displays, etc) will get old and start to fail. What is the contingency here? Is emulation the only solution long term and can it be expected be 100% accurate?


Why do you think Playground games decided to stay with MSAA instead of something less resource intensive? Best guess, how close to 4k could they have gotten in quality mode if they used TAA? I'm thinking 1440p. Lastly can you call them up and ask them to add DLSS and FSR to the PC version, oh and the classical music station needs to return so please mention that? 😀


Technically you can still buy brand new CRT's... But they are reference monitors used mostly by Hollywood so they are a bit pricey. Like 4 65" LG C1's pricey.


Actually, one more question. The devs behind the upcoming game Scorn sent Kickstarter backers a message for the now delayed game that many felt was "hostile". I'm a backer, and while it wasn't the most tactful communication I've ever read, I also wasn't bothered by it since we all know how much harassment devs get from "fans" over the idiotically inflexible way release dates are viewed by many as a concrete promise. Isn't this type of message a natural end result of dealing with people with no sense of how game development works and the reality that not everything goes according to schedule?


If you think Space X fans are over zealous do yourself a favor and NEVER say anything bad about a Tesla. Even if you own the Tesla and love it but don't like the uneven panel gaps... Don't mention it. They will find you, paint you with peanut butter and then unleash an army of angry squirrels on you.


Isn't that really Intel's issue? They should have worked with Denuvo and they didn't. Microsoft's focus is on Windows 11 right now. There's only so much the OS team can do at once and considering Alder Lake is on less than 0.25% of Windows machines it's not really a priority...


I think it's having an effect. I'm sure behind the scenes games we don't know about have been pushed back. The shortage is also keeping the previous generation alive longer which means most games are still cross gen which hurts the current gen.


As we hit the one-year anniversary of the new console generation, I have to say that the lack of games utilizing ray tracing on the machines is pretty shocking, given how heavily it figured into both platform holders’ marketing. It’s especially strange to see major new releases like Guardians of the Galaxy and Far Cry 6 (an AMD game no less) keep RT exclusive to PC. Why is this happening and do you think it changes going into 2022 and beyond?


What are your thoughts on Unity purchasing Weta? Could some of those VFX technologies translate to game devs or is the purchase more about Unity expanding to film production?


Now that direct weekly early access is open to all subscribers, any chance to get the file on digital foundry.net the same time as through Patreon?


With the power consumption of the highest performance PC components seeming to rise every generation. At what point would you take energy consumption into account when capturing your PC b roll?

Bryan McIntosh

When the Radeon VII debuted with its at the time unprecedented 16 GB of VRAM, Rich pointed out a case where his 12 GB Titan X Pascal would choke when adding transitions to a side-by-side-by-side comparison of 4K 60 game footage. The new Forza Horizon 5 Xbox video has even more high-res/high framerate footage; which GPU are you using for editing these days to handle this workload?


really hoping Forza Horizon 5 gets DLSS, would this work well and could their msaa work with it as well? also what are your opinions on the in-game radio?


Forza Horizon 5 seems like an excellent candidate for the inclusion of a 40fps/120hz mode, as it appears many Series X console gamers are choosing to play in quality mode over performance. Would this be difficult for developers to implement? Alternatively, would an uncapped framerate + VRR approach achieve similar results of graphics preservation? Why or why not?


Is there any advantage to using my Xbox in 120hz mode outside of games that support a 120 fps mode, i.e. is there any advantage to a 60 fps game running on a 120hz panel, whether latency or VRR related or otherwise? I'm curious specifically because I play most games at 60 fps and Dolby Vision game mode works great at 60hz, but has lots of banding at 120hz, which I understand to be a HDMI hardware limitation.


Hi. Please invite Elon Musk over to your direct as a special guest. Thanks.


I think it was a language barrier issue. They are from the Balkans I think... If not I know English isn't their first language and that they also come from an area where people are pretty chill. I don't think the last few words about refunds were meant to be taken in a negative or challenge like tone.


Shouldn't be that shocking considering even on PC you need a high end system. I hope it doesn't become a bigger focus on console because games will run at 30fps. The only real chance we have is on the series x because Microsoft is working on their own version of DLSS or more accurately Temporal MLAA


Both quality and performance modes in FH5 has noticeable object popin. Also XSX version in performance mode (dynamic 4K60) looks almost identical to XOX version. Tinfoil hat question - It there any chance that in the performance mode on XSX the game is actually running the XOX in Back Compat mode with FPS boost?


I'm unhappy they nerfed the classic radio. Previous stations had 12 tracks, now it's only ten. It's not like licenses for classical musis are expensive, I don't understand this decision.


Been playing FH5 on PC (9700KF, 3080 FTW3, 16GB of ram latest Win 10 update 500GB Samsung EVO SSD, LG CX) I get above 60 fps most of the time Max setting at 4K but I have terrible frame pacing. Runs smooth then slows down and speeds up all the time. Played on the series x in performance mode and that runs smooth as butter. Why would I have Frame pacing issues on my system? I don’t have many programs running in the background (precision x1 and GPU-z)

Julian DeView

Hello all! Like a few of you on the team, I've been completely enamored by the launch of FH5, and the visuals are on a level that honestly blows my mind. On the tech side of things, I was wondering how Forza manages to get its real time cubemap reflections working in such a lightweight manner, and if this could be implemented in games that aren't necessarily racing titles. Thanks! :)

Jay Fischetti

When Intels previous foray into discrete graphics fell apart, it took with it Project Offset. What ever happened to this game? To me it looked like "the next Crysis" as far as pushing tech. Do you think we'll ever have it in our hands?


I've noticed CPUs are often tested at or around 1080p High settings these days, which can be a good measurement of performance in the here-and-now for a common setup for many gamers. But are we missing the longevity aspect of CPUs in reviews? What happens in next year or in 2-5 years when more powerful GPUs are available and reduce GPU bottlenecking of these CPUs? Should we see a return of 720p CPU testing and the like?


I play my PC games on a 165hz monitor. I’ve noticed recently that some games (Forza Horizon 5 for example) do not offer me a 60fps or 120fps cap in the settings menu. Instead they offer me a 55fps and 83fps cap, as these limits are 1/3 and 1/2 of my monitor’s refresh rate. Am I actually better off running a game at 55fps over 60fps, since it divides evenly into 165? Or would I have a better experience running the game uncapped and then forcing a 60fps limit through the Nvidia control panel?

Beefington von Barnstorm

Who stopped the Konix Multisystem from being released? SEGA? Nintendo? DARPA Black Ops? What are your theories? Was it just too powerful?


Seriously, dlss is REALLY a must. I Mean I can run the game at 4k 60 but I would like to have to enjoy 120fps


Loved the recent Ridge Racer DF Retro video, great stuff! Got me to dig out the PSP and now I’m loving playing the first game. On that subject (Ridge Racer PSP), question for John: Are you a D-pad man or a nub-fiddler?