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Helllllooooo everyone! A new week has started, the earth's rotation continues as expected and soon our lives will be filled with awful renditions of christmas classics everywhere we go. But until then, let's fill the air with questions. Yes, your questions, our show, you know the magic by now. Leave them in the comments below and as always, we will get to many of them during our next recording session.


The Dressing Gown

Which console generation (not a specific system) would you hate to go back to more than the rest?


Where's the love for Steam Deck folks? Things are dropping left and right and I feel like we are bit behind here... Any inside scoop?


Repost from last week: Question directed at John. With the release of Metroid Dread, I've found that it looks remarkably clean on my LG E9 OLED when playing the game docked, despite the obvious limitations of upscaling from 900p into a 4K framebuffer and the aliasing that results of course. I barely use my Switch docked with many multiplatform releases because the games just look like soup upscaled to 4K. Riffing off of your wonderful technical analysis of the game; would you agree that more Switch titles should ship without TAA (or at least have the option to turn it off) if they are running at the upper end of the resolution spectrum? Would you have any alternative suggestions for devs porting games to the Switch (rumored "Pro" model with DLSS notwithstanding)? P.S.- Cheers to everyone on the team. I greatly look forward to these weekly shows.


In your videos covering the remastered Crysis Trilogy, you mentioned that Crysis 3 was really trying to push tech at the time of release, but it was held back by the limitations of the 360/PS3. Are there any games that you feel were trying to be super innovative in terms of tech, but hardware held it back at the time, and deserves a second chance on current systems?


Truth be told, i want Will to do a DF video. I feel like he's kinda a underrated member of the Digital Foundry team.


As ray tracing becomes more prevalent over this generation, what do you foresee as being the next big graphics technology leap in 5-10 years?


Do any members of the team have any hobbies outside of gaming? Any fellow musicians here? :D


What are your favorite TAA implementations or what were the early highlights? I’ve noticed judgment on next gen has a great deal of shimmering/dithering in the 60fps mode. One that you’ve talked about before is Insomniac’s TAAU. I know early implementations like The Order or Uncharted quickly impressed me during PS4 gen


Do you guys think DLSS will become such an attractive prospect for console manufactures that by the start of the next generation that either MS or Sony will switch to NVIDIA SOCs just to get it? Or do you think they will push their own AI driven upscaling solutions?


John and other Metroid fans! I'm really happy Dread seems to be selling well enough to revive the franchise, but for me, the free-aim and counter mechanics really mess with the flow and I'd rather they not be there. Whaddayareckon?

Mat Azel

Hi guys, gonna be a bold one hear but here it goes : any plans on doing a feature covering a studio(s) working on ps4 sony ports on PC ? (uncharted etc)


Game Pass is great, amazing, but I realized something the other day. I haven't completed a single Xbox game since I got the Series X. I'm always flitting betwixed games that catch my eye. On PS5 I've completed every game I've bought. Could it be that Game Pass isn't actually good for gamers in that regards? Are there too many good games on it? Or should I just learn self control? Thanks!


Hi guys, i’m wondering about each of you if you consider gaming a hobby of yours. If so, what exactly about gaming makes it enjoyable? (I believe one can like different aspects about gaming).


Dying Light was banned from the Switch's Store in Germany, and to make it worse, that also means all of Europe. I know there is a history of banning games in the region, but I didn't realize that it was still happening. What's your take on the situation? And John, does that mean you have contraband on your switch?


Would it be worth adding a Corrections section to the end of DF Direct Weekly? It would give a space to address anything that crops up and means that if someone sends you a nitpicky comment on Twitter you can tell them you only accept corrections via Patreon thus forcing them to subscribe. Projection modelling on a 8800 GTX SLI server farm indicates that this additional revenue stream could significantly increase Digital Foundry's share price in the market flotation of 2032.


Would you ever consider making shorter videos, perhaps covering games the team are less interested in but viewers have requested or patches for games you've covered already, that make a noticeable change to performance. More of an overview lasting around 5 minutes to go alongside the usual in depth videos. Would this be feasible or would it go against the DF ethos too much?


I hear you - Game Pass makes it very easy to NOT play games because I know they will be there for a while. It's like walking into a game rental store of old - spoiled for choice! But I have finished a few games I may not have picked up otherwise because of it (Carrion being among my best choices). My least favorite part about game pass is buying a game to only have it show up on Game Pass in very short order like Yakuza Like a Dragon and more recently Scarlett Nexus. I know they can't have a road map because it would discourage retail sales of those games, but I always get a twinge of pain when I see a game I own just show up one day.


How much is known about the hardware that Switch Cloud games operate on behind the scenes? Is there a standard, defined by Nintendo, or is it up to publishers to implement on a per-game basis?


Do TAA and temporal upscaling increase in quality as the frame rate increases? If the frame rate is higher, then the difference from one frame to the other might be smaller, resulting in fewer artifacts. Could a developer choose to use more frames to reconstruct with if the frame rate was higher?


God Of War was just announced for PC, with a fresh new trailer! I noticed at the start of the trailer, there's a close-up of Kratos' hand against a tree, and the AO between his hand and the tree appears to end on a hard line, instead of fading out like AO normally does. What's up with that? I haven't seen AO like that before


Yup. This is exactly the case. Simply by the nature of being temporal, the higher the frame rate, the more samples there are to draw from, and the better they look.


What are your initial thoughts on the newly unveiled Apple M1 Pro and M1 Max chips? Apple is claiming massive efficiency gains over even top spec PC gaming laptops (specifically citing an M1 Max using 100W less power than an RTX 3080 equipped MSI GE76 Raider while offering similar performance). Do you think these chips will bring greater competition for the PC space and does DF have any plans to cover/review them?


In the Metroid Dread analysis, John pointed out that it doesn't use AA. Neither did Mario Kart 8. Why is this? Does the Switch not have some kind of basic default hardware AA option devs can tap into? Surely the processing cost of a basic AA these days is next-to-negligible...?


Would you consider doing an "Year-end Special" that will lightheartedly cover some games you don't have time to look at throughout the year?

tod weitzel

It's 2030. You are building a retro pc for the peak of the ps4/xbone era, say around the time the enhanced consoles are coming out. What do you put in it?


Richard, I'm desperate to know what the story is about how Ubisoft got Watchdog's original E3 2012 gameplay running. You say it's a ridiculous story and apparently it wasn't running on a PC... You teased it in the PS4 reveal retrospective video and I've been wondering ever since.


Given the reaction to the Nintendo Switch Online expansion pricing. What are your thoughts? Considering how many options retro gamers have now, and how little post release support their NES and SNES service has received, has Nintendo completely misread the market?


What are your thoughts on the new apple M1 MAX? They are claiming the GPU will rival the RTX 3080. Will apple machines finally become gaming machines and really what is holding this back?

Brian Anthony Seals

Greetings Digital Foundry! I've been enjoying many of your technical comparison videos on Crysis and several other games. Would you say that, as a rule, Sony and Microsoft consoles have inched closer to one another in terms of performance, from the seventh generation up to the present? I also wonder about their relative power compared to equivalent PC builds, then and now. Any thoughts?


unless storefronts like Steam and Epic ensure that the games they carry use Metal, which is a whole new overhead for programmers, I do not foresee the Mac becoming much more than an ancillary gaming conduit for Apple Arcade and the like.


Apple, their focus, and coding for Metal all hold back the Mac for gaming. Not least of all because a base M1 MAX 14" MBPro runs $3100 USD + taxes...


I feel at this point it’s not the hardware that’s holding Apple back but the whether the Apple user base will give a good return on investment for porting games. The number and quality of ports for the Switch shows that devs will move mountains to bring a game to a completely different platform if the money is there. Given that even the base M1 is reasonably competent, I feel multiplayer and indie games will target the Mac more going forward. Whether big budget single player games come to the Mac is dependent on if Apple customers are willing to spend $70+ for a game. Kind of unknown but I’d love to see games reach a wider audience.


Hi there ! I've been thinking recently about frame-pacing in movies. Most movies we watch are at 24fps (when it's not 23.97...), though I personnally watch them on my 60hz screen, so there should be uneven frame-pacing, right ? Or are video-players able to get around this ? If this is an issue indeed, are there any ways to work around this ?


It would be interesting to see a performance analysis of the Chrome Browser playing back your 1080p 60 Youtube content content.


Love the content you guys produce. It’s a bit of a shame though that you never made that much content/analysis of PSVR content after the (very good) review of the headset. I would have loved seeing comparisons of PSVR, PCVR and Quest titles like you do with PS5, Series X and PC these days. I assume the reason was a decline in consumer interest for vr at the time. This does seem to be changing slightly in the runup to the PSVR2. So here’s my question: Rich, will you do a hardware review of the new headset and controllers? I guarantee that I will slowly enjoy a nice piece of cake while watching you go over every detail. The decadence will be substantial. The next day John could do a detailed comparison of the panels with competing headsets and the day after Alex could go into the impact of using raytracing for the first time in vr (one can dream, Alex!). Love you guys. Here’s hoping the next generation of vr will be a reset in coverage. No one really does detailed graphical analysis in this field and with your pedigree you would instantly be THE goto place for it.


Hello everyone. Really enjoying the DF work! With the announcement of the new RTX3080 Pod's for Nvidia's streaming service and other upgrades, they are showing that latency will be around 60ms for Destiny 2 at 120FPS, which I think is quite impressive. Is this something that is likely to raise the stakes in the streaming area, especially with Microsoft and their Xcloud Service and also Stadia as the competition hots up and where does this leave Playstation Now?


I will repost tomorrow - will you be covering Resident Evil 4 VR?